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Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty: Salary Support for Developing Grant Proposals During Summer Using Faculty Funds


The College of Arts and Science allows limited salary support from faculty funds, provided that the time is used for the development of grant proposals. These guidelines outline the eligibility and procedures for salary support.

  • Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty whose primary appointment is in the College of Arts and Science.
  • Must have an active faculty fund balance sufficient to pay for one full month of salary plus benefits in tasks 10 or 60.
  • Initial requests should be made from the PI via the REDCap form.

Employees and students are not permitted to charge salary to federal grants or contracts for time spent writing proposals. This prohibition also applies to graduate students, but it does not apply to postdoctoral scholars and graduate students supported by federal training grant stipends that require no specific service in return for that support.

1. Eligibility related to qualifying funding opportunities

  1. Faculty may request one full month of proposal writing effort irrespective of their prior academic year effort funding. Requests for less than one full month will not be granted.
  2. Requests must be pre-approved by the Dean’s Office, as not all types of funding opportunities qualify for this type of proposal writing support.
  3. Eligible proposal submissions must total (all project years combined) at least $150,000 in direct costs.
  4. Proof of a grant proposal submission to an external sponsor must be provided.

2. Notes

  1. Effort charged to faculty funds must be devoted exclusively to proposal development. Other activities, such as administrative duties or vacations, are not eligible for compensation by this fund. Faculty must certify on the Summer Pay Form that all charges for summer salary each month correspond to its intended effort.
  2. Any eligible effort may not exceed one month summer effort per year.
  3. The proposal must be submitted before applying again for summer salary from a faculty fund.
  4. Faculty who fail to meet any of the conditions outlined in this policy will be barred from taking advantage of this policy for three years.

3. Additional considerations

  1. For faculty qualifying under this policy, summer salary (effort) previously budgeted on externally funded projects may be re-budgeted to other budget categories subject to sponsor guidelines and sponsor approval, if applicable.
  2. For summer salary re-budgeted on externally sponsored projects, care should be taken to ensure that the faculty member’s effort proposed on the project is correctly recorded as being cost shared on the project (charged to the faculty fund) to meet effort reporting requirements of the sponsor, especially federal sources.