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Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty: Salary Support for Developing Grant Proposals During Summer (Faculty with academic effort on externally sponsored projects)

Faculty who wish to receive summer salary while preparing grant proposals may charge up to one month’s worth of effort to the Arts & Science Fund for Proposal Development, provided that they have allocated and charged at least an equal amount of effort to grants as direct cost during the preceding academic year. Charges to grants for effort that otherwise would be required to devote to teaching (“buying out of courses”) will not count toward eligibility for support from the Arts & Science Fund for Proposal Development. [Salary charges to grants that are counted toward eligibility for support from the Arts & Science Fund for Proposal Development will not count toward eligibility for the Sponsored Research Incentive Program (SRIP).]

Effort charged to the Arts & Science Fund for Proposal Development must be devoted exclusively to proposal development. Other activities, such as administrative duties or vacations, are not eligible for compensation by this fund. Faculty must certify on the Summer Pay Form that all charges for summer salary each month correspond reasonably to intended effort.

Faculty who intend to charge summer effort to the Arts & Science Fund for Proposal Development should notify their departmental administrators of their plans as early as possible, preferably by early April. Departmental administrators should convey to the Dean’s Office a summary of intended charges. 

Please complete the REDCap form to communicate summer salary plans.