Syllabus and Teaching Requirements for AXLE Writing Courses
The primary instructor must grade all major written work in a Writing course and initiate and plan class discussions of writing. Teaching assistants should not grade such assignments.
1000-level Writing course requirements
- Students shall be asked to write a minimum of 15–20 typescript pages for the entire term. In general, a typescript page is approximately 250 words.
- Students shall write at least three scholarly essays, spaced throughout the semester, to provide for sufficient feedback on their writing. Instructors may assign either three distinct assignments or three distinct but interlocking assignments. Instructors are free to devise both the form and content requirements of all assignments, keeping in mind the best practices for the teaching of writing.
- It is strongly recommended that instructors give students the opportunity to revise a portion of their graded writing.
- Some class time during the term should be devoted to discussion of the writing process. These discussions should be led by the instructor of the course and can be supplemented by a visit from a Writing Studio consultant.
- Instructors are encouraged to meet with their students for tutorial sessions devoted to writing in order to support an iterative approach to the writing process.
- Enrollment is limited to 20 students.
First-Year Writing Seminar requirements
- First-Year Writing Seminars should follow all of the writing requirements of 1000-level Writing courses.
- A considerable percentage of the course grade should be derived from writing assignments.
- All seminars shall introduce first-year students to literature research, including library and database orientation; experience with critical evaluation of the validity, relevance, and significance of source material obtained through literature searches; and instruction regarding the proper citation of source materials. Instructors from the Central Library will be available to conduct these sessions, although Writing course instructors are responsible for arranging the sessions
- Enrollment is limited to 15 students.
2000-level and higher Writing course requirements
- 2000-level and higher Writing courses foster advanced, discipline-specific writing skills (including scholarly and/or creative writing). Departments or programs that offer these courses shall determine their specific writing content. In 2000-level and higher Writing courses, continued attention to the process of writing is included in the classroom.
- Students receive regular feedback on their writing that will contribute toward enhancing writing skills appropriate to specific disciplines. Writing tutorials may also be included.
- Enrollment is limited to 20 students, unless a department or program can show that there will be additional instructional assistance and that the primary instructor will grade all major written work.
Oral Communications course requirements
- Courses which fulfill the Oral Communications option are 2000-level and higher focusing on developing improved public speaking skills. While discipline-specific, these courses should focus on introducing students to the principles and practices of public discourse and reasoned argument.
- Similar to writing courses, these courses should include regular attention to the oral communications process in class, the opportunity to refine speaking skills through multiple presentations over the course of a semester, and feedback from the instructor.
- Assignments should contribute toward enhancing oral communication skills appropriate to specific disciplines.