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Study Abroad Program Proposals


College of Arts & Science faculty and departments can propose new study abroad programs for fall, spring, or summer terms. Faculty interested in making a new proposal are encouraged to meet with Assistant Dean Elizabeth Meadows and the Global Education Office (GEO) for a brief technical review before making a formal proposal.

Faculty members must submit a brief 1-2 page proposal (see template) that details the program and the academic rationale for it. GEO will review the additional details for the program, including room and board options, safety plan, credit evaluations, etc.

Below is the approval process for a new study abroad program:

  1. A faculty member writes a proposal that includes a departmental vote in support of the proposal and submits it to the A&S Study Abroad Committee.
  2. Once approved, the Study Abroad Committee submits the proposal to the A&S Faculty Council.
  3. Once approved, the proposal is voted on by the full A&S faculty at a faculty meeting.
  4. Once approved, the proposal is sent to GEO for review.
  5. Once approved, the proposal is sent to the Vanderbilt Office of General Counsel for review and contract signing.

Please be advised that it can take months and even more than a year to get a contract signed with a new study abroad program.

A&S undergraduate students are only allowed to earn credit towards their Vanderbilt degree through approved Vanderbilt study abroad programs. We cannot allow students to attend a study abroad program until we have a contract signed with the provider.


Proposals should be submitted to the A&S Study Abroad Committee, and from there will follow the approvals process referenced above.

  • Approval in the fall: Programs approved by the December A&S faculty meeting should be available to students studying abroad in the spring of the following academic year (i.e. approval by December 2023 should allow students to attend in spring 2025).
  • Approval in the spring: Programs approved by the May A&S faculty meeting should be available to students studying abroad in the fall of the following academic year (i.e. approval by May 2024 should allow students to attend in fall 2025).

Please use the provided template for your study abroad proposal. Be sure to include all the required information.

>>Study Abroad Proposal Template