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Taking Courses for Pass/Fail Credit

Students may elect to take a limited number of courses on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis. No more than 18 credit hours graded may be counted toward the degree, and no more than one course per term may be taken P/F.

Pass/Fail rules, requirements, and deadlines are not petitionable.


To enroll in a course on a Pass/Fail basis, students must have achieved at least sophomore standing and must not be on academic probation.

The P/F option does not apply to courses in the following categories:

  • Courses counted toward core curriculum requirements (AXLE for students entering before Fall 2025; College Core for students entering Fall 2025 and later)
  • Courses in the major field(s), other courses that may be counted toward the major(s), or courses that are required for the major(s)
  • For students with a defined interdisciplinary major, courses that are required for the major or that are eligible to count toward the major
  • For students with an individually designed interdisciplinary major, courses listed in the student's plan of study
  • For students planning an optional minor, courses in the minor field or those eligible to count toward an interdisciplinary minor
  • Courses eligible to count toward the major or minor, regardless of whether the student has already satisfied the major or minor requirements
  • Courses that have been specifically excluded from the P/F option
  • Courses taken previously

A minimum of 12 graded credit hours is required. If a student drops a course and falls below 12 graded credit hours, the P/F course will be converted to regular graded basis.


A graduating senior who has permission to take fewer than 12 hours on a graded basis may take one course on a P/F basis in addition to the courses required for graduation. If the student does not graduate at the end of that semester, the P grade will be converted to the grade earned.


Those electing the Pass/Fail option must meet all course requirements (e.g., reports, papers, examinations, attendance, etc.) and are graded in the normal way. Instructors are not informed of the names of students enrolled on a Pass/Fail basis. At the end of the semester, a regular grade is submitted. Any grade of D- or above is converted in the Student Records System to a P, while an F will be recorded if a student enrolled under this option fails the course.

The P grade is not counted in the grade point average nor used in the determination of honors. The grade of F earned under the P/F option is included in the calculation of grade point average just as it would be when earned on a regularly graded basis.

The grade for a class will be converted from P to the recorded letter grade if a student later declares a major or minor toward which that class counts. The recorded letter grade will be included in both the overall and the major or minor grade point average.


Use a Change of Course Request form to register for a course on a Pass/Fail basis. You do not need an instructor's signature/approval to take a course on a Pass/Fail basis, but you do need an adviser’s signature/approval.

Email the completed form to the College of Arts and Science Office of Undergraduate Education at All requests to take a course on a Pass/Fail basis must be received no later than the published deadline for the semester; please consult the academic calendar for all deadlines.