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Declaring a Minor

You may formally declare a minor starting in your third semester of residence but no later than the last day of classes in the second semester of your senior year. You may combine a minor with any major, but each minor must include at least 15 credit hours that count solely toward the minor .

To declare a minor, you must submit the Major/Minor Declaration form. The request form is then routed to the department or program offering the minor, who assigns your adviser, and then to the A&S Office of Undergraduate Education for approval. Finally, the form is sent to the University Registrar and put into YES.

A minor is not required to earn your degree. You have the responsibility to know and satisfy all requirements for any declared minor. If you have questions about a minor, check with the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the relevant department.

How to Declare a Minor

To declare a minor:

  1. Visit the relevant department website or contact the department directly to confirm their policies for assigning advisers.
  2. Complete the Major/Minor Declaration form. See the Major/Minor Declaration User Guide for more information.

To add, drop, or change a minor, you must repeat the process above. The form is the same, but the section you complete will vary depending on the change you wish to make. For assistance with changes, speak with your academic adviser.