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Course Cancellation Guidelines


The College of Arts and Science reserves the right to cancel any course for which an insufficient number of students have enrolled or which for other reasons is deemed unnecessary. These guidelines are to establish a transparent, collaborative process regarding under which circumstances a course is to be cancelled prior to the start of the session due to low enrollment.

Eligibility and Procedures
  • This policy is intended for undergraduate courses in both academic year and summer sessions (excluding Maymesters, Internships, and Independent Studies).
  • A course is considered low enrollment if enrollment is 8 students or fewer.
  • In the instance of courses comprised of two or more cross-listed sections, mezzanine courses, or cross-career offerings, the total enrollment shall be considered.
  • The Dean’s Office will consult departments and programs in arriving at final cancellation decisions.
  • Initial Review: After the close of the first week of the registration period window for the semester, the Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) will notify instructors and departments about low-enrolled courses.
  • Second Review: After the first week of open enrollment, OUE will examine all courses with low enrollment, including courses with special enrollment. All departments must complete any special enrollments by this time. OUE will advise which classes to cancel in order to increase enrollment in borderline classes. Exceptions can be made for classes that are major requirements needed for graduation.
  • Final Review: 5 business days before the start of classes. All classes that have not been pre-approved after the second review without a minimum of 8 students will be cancelled.
  • Subsequently, OUE will notify Academic Scheduling of the course cancellations.

Faculty Communication and Financial Obligation

  • OUE will contact the instructor and respective department chair or director about course cancellations 5 business days before the session starts.
  • Tenure-stream and continuing-track faculty on multi-year contracts are expected to make up the class(es) in the subsequent semester or academic year. This can be done by teaching a course in their department, a course in the Core curriculum, or by assigning the faculty member a substantive administrative assignment. This decision should be made in conversation with the Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs.
  • Faculty members whom have had the same course cancelled more than once for low enrollment will not be allowed to schedule the course again without signoff by the Dean's Office.
  • Cancelled courses that are overloads or that are taught by part-time faculty will have compensation withdrawn, upon formal cancellation.

Student Communication and Financial Obligation

  • Students will receive overnight automated email notifications of course cancellations throughout the Open Enrollment and Add/Drop period.
  • Students will not be obligated to pay tuition and fees for courses that have been cancelled. They will be given notice of the cancellation and be able to register for a different course.
  • Student support will be available to ensure students can replace the cancelled course with another course applicable to their program of study.