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Health and Wellness

University Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center is committed to working with campus and community partners to provide holistic, inclusive, and accessible mental health and prevention services to support the academic and personal success of Vanderbilt’s diverse student community. The UCC promotes social justice and an affirming, caring culture through clinical, outreach, consultation, and training services. Center staff know that each student is unique, in terms of both their identity and their lived experiences, and work with campus partners to provide comprehensive, flexible support options that are attentive to each student's needs, opportunities, and challenges.

Center for Student Wellbeing

The Center for Student Wellbeing is committed to helping students thrive within the Vanderbilt community and maintain lifelong wellness practices. They support students in distress, foster community through meaningful connections, and help students who may need assistance in a variety of areas, including:

  • self-care and personal growth
  • intellectual progress
  • mindfulness and reflection
  • physical and emotional health
  • alcohol and other drug education and recovery support
University Chaplain & Religious Life

The Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life nurtures an inclusive "community of communities" consisting of diverse religious, spiritual, and secular perspectives, wisdom traditions, and worldviews. All students, faculty, postdoctoral scholarsand staff are invited to experience hospitality, to engage in discovery, and to practice generosity.

Project Safe

The mission of the Project Safe Center is to provide information, support, referrals, and education about sexual and intimate partner violence (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), as well as consent, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality to the Vanderbilt University community. Project Safe serves as a central resource for those impacted by sexual and intimate partner violence and can assist with navigating the university’s resource and support network (including the University Counseling Center, Student Health, the Title IX Office, Equal Employment Opportunity Office, the Employee Assistance Program, and the Vanderbilt University Police Department), as well as external support and law enforcement resources.