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Vanderbilt Faculty Senate

The Vanderbilt Faculty Senate is the representative, deliberative, legislative body of the faculties, and it may discuss and express its views about any matter affecting the university. The Senate has the power to review and evaluate the educational policies and practices of the university and may make recommendations concerning them to any individual, faculty, or other group within the university. It may provide for appropriate faculty discussion of any educational policy or practice. It may advise and consult with the chief administrative officers and inform them of faculty opinions about such matters. It shall facilitate and encourage communication within the university, among the several schools, and reciprocally among faculty, students, and administration. It is each faculty's responsibility to devise internal procedures for facilitating communication between that faculty and its representatives in the Senate.

The Senate meets, on average, once a month during the academic year.


All full-time A&S faculty at the rank of instructor or above are eligible to vote and, if elected, serve for a three-year term.

Upon the expiration of a full term, a Senator shall be eligible for reelection for one additional consecutive term but shall not be eligible for reelection to another term until three years have passed (but upon the expiration of a partial term, the period of ineligibility shall correspond only to the length of the term served). This amendment permits members of the Senate to serve up to two terms in a row. A Senator on leave of absence from the university does not forfeit membership, but during any extended absence a duly elected alternate shall serve.


The Senate is a university-wide governing body, composed of the deans of each school and college, elected members, and ex officio members. Elected members are representatives of the faculties of the schools and colleges at Vanderbilt.