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Course Development Summer Salary Grants

  • These $5,000 grants can be used to fund summer effort toward revision of a current course that requires updating or development of a new course important to the curriculum of a department or program.
  • Proposals for Course Development Summer Salary Grants will require endorsement by the faculty member’s chair or director, including affirmation of the importance of the proposed course development to the department or program curriculum.
  • Faculty members are not eligible for more than one course development grant every three academic years.
  • The application process for Course Development Summer Salary Grants opens in January each year and closes at 4 p.m. on the Friday before Spring Break.
  • All full-time, continuing-track, instructional faculty members in the College of Arts & Science with multi-year appointments are eligible to apply for Course Development Summer Salary Grants.
  • All materials must be uploaded to REDCap in PDF format.
  • Applications should consist of a CV and 2-page proposal which outlines the course description, student learning outcomes, and rationale for revising/developing the course at this time.
Approval Process 
  • The chair or director will be prompted to approve the application via REDCap after the materials are submitted. We strongly recommend that the faculty member have a prior discussion with their chair or director before submitting a grant application.
  • Applications will be accepted from January until 4 p.m. on the Friday before Spring Break. Faculty members should expect a response within one month of the deadline.
  • All funding disbursement will be treated like a supplemental salary during the Summer I or Summer II session of each academic year. Faculty members awarded a grant for a summer session will be ineligible to teach during that summer session.


Please direct all questions to Assistant Dean Angela Sutton.