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Humanities and Social Sciences



Religious Research Association
Jacquet Research Awards
Eligibility: The committee especially encourages proposal submissions from scholars who are in the early stages of their careers, as well as proposals from students. Applicants are required to be members of the RRA. Full-time students may join the association at the time of their application.
Abstract: The RRA gives small research grant awards to support religious research. Applied, client-centered projects are given priority, but basic research is also regularly funded.

Society for the History of Technology
Hindle Postdoctoral Fellowship
Eligibility: Applicants must hold a doctorate in the history of technology or a related field, normally awarded within the preceding four years, or expect to have graduated by the time of the award. Those who graduated earlier and can demonstrate good reason why they should be considered as being at an early stage in their postdoctoral career (e.g., because of family commitments) may apply at the discretion of the committee chair.
Abstract: The fellowship may be used for any purpose connected with research or writing in the history of technology. The proposal must be in a field related to the history of technology. Applicants should be intending either to prepare a dissertation for publication as articles or as a monograph, whether or not this involves fresh primary research, or to develop a new project based on primary research.

Association for the Sociology of Religion
Fichter Research Grants
Eligibility: Applicants must be members of the ASR and also have been members at least during the year prior to that in which they submit their application. Scholars at the beginning of their careers are particularly encouraged to apply.
Abstract: Applications are invited from scholars involved in promising research the area of women and religion; this includes religion and gender issues, and feminist perspectives on religion.

Harvard University
Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History
International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World
Short-Term Grants for Research in Atlantic History
Eligibility: The grants are open to both advanced doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, with the emphasis on individuals at the beginning of the academic career.
Abstract: The International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World at Harvard University announces the availability of short-term grants to support archival research in Atlantic history, 1500-1825. The awards are designed to support archival research focused on the common, comparative, and interactive aspects of the lives of the peoples of the Atlantic world in the early modern period. Grants are primarily intended for travel to enable scholars to reach sources not otherwise accessible rather than to support research in more easily available archives.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Short-Term Research Grants
Faculty Research Visit Grant
Eligibility: Eligibility is open to scholars at United States or Canadian universities or research institutions who hold the Ph.D. (or equivalent) and have been working in research or teaching full time for at least two years at the time of application and after receipt of the doctorate. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada. German nationals must have been affiliated with a United States or Canadian institution in full-time employment for at least six consecutive years. Applicants should possess adequate knowledge of the German language to carry out the proposed research.
Abstract: DAAD offers grants in all academic disciplines to scholars at U.S. and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. Grants are awarded for specific research projects and cannot be used for travel only, attendance at conferences or conventions, editorial meetings, lecture tours or extended guest professorships.

Center for Chinese Studies
Research Grant Program
Eligibility: This program is designed for professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes.
Abstract: The CCS offers research grants. The content of the research, to be undertaken in Taiwan, should be within the field of Chinese studies.

Smith Richardson Foundation
Strategy and Policy Fellows Program
Eligibility: An applicant must have a Ph.D. by the time of the deadline, preferably in Political Science, Public Policy, Policy Analysis, International Political Economy, or History. The recipients are likely to be under the age of 40. There is, however, no formal age requirement.
Abstract: The program is an annual grant competition to support young scholars and policy thinkers on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, military policy, and diplomatic and military history. The purpose of the program is to strengthen the U.S. community of scholars and researchers conducting policy analysis in these fields. The Foundation will award grants to enable the recipients to research and write a book. Within the academic community, this program supports junior or adjunct faculty, research associates, and post-docs who are engaged in policy-relevant research and writing. Within the think tank community, the program supports members of the rising generation of policy thinkers who are focused on U.S. strategic and foreign policy issues.