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Anna Hill

Postdoctoral Fellow

Anna Hill is a 2023-2026 Collaborative Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University. She received her Ph.D. in English from Yale University in December 2022. Her research and teaching focus on twentieth- and twenty-first-century American literature, with a particular emphasis on environmental criticism, memory studies, postcolonial/decolonial studies, and affect theory. Her current book project explores how late-twentieth-century authors reworked major genres of the American novel and tropes of environmental writing in light of emergent discourses about environmental crisis and global climate change. This project makes the case that, as a dynamic vehicle of place-based, more-than-human memory, the realist novel offers a generative resource for environmental imagining and environmental justice in the Anthropocene.

Her academic writing is forthcoming in ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, and she has received grants and awards for her teaching, including the Janice Carlisle Prize for Excellence in Teaching at Yale in 2022. She is interested in interdisciplinary collaborations, particularly involving literature and visual arts, and she is currently completing a grant-funded public humanities project – an experimental graphic narrative – about place-based storytelling in times of ecological change.