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Jeong-Oh Kim teaches Intro to Poetry sitting with students on Library Lawn

4+1 B.A. + M.A.

The 4+1 program allows outstanding students in the Department of English to complete both a B.A. and an M.A. in five years of continuous study. English offers two 4+1 options: Literature and Creative Writing.

Students who are interested in the 4+1 program should consult with their advisor as early as possible, decide which option they want to pursue, and make formal application to the department by the end of their junior year.

For general information about the College of Arts and Science 4+1 program, visit the program webpage.

4+1 in Literature

Application Process

  • Each applicant must submit the Petition to Apply to the Combined BA/MA (4+1) Degree Program, approved by her/his advisor, to the department for approval.
  • Applicants who are approved by the department must submit the English 4+1 application to the Graduate School by the annual deadline of December 15.
  • Applicants must provide all materials required by the online Graduate School application, which include:
    • Transcripts
    • GRE scores (we do not require the English literature subject test)
    • Recommendation letters
    • Statement of purpose
    • Writing sample
  • If admitted to the graduate program, M.A. candidates must fulfill all requirements for the M.A. degree, which include:
    • 30 hours of graduate-level coursework
    • A master’s thesis
  • If appropriate, a student may begin graduate coursework during her/his final undergraduate year. This must be arranged in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies.

4 + 1 in Creative Writing

Note: The 4 + 1 B.A./M.A. in Creative Writing is distinct from the M.F.A program.

Application Process

  • Each applicant must submit the Petition to Apply to the Combined BA/MA (4+1) Degree Program, approved by her/his advisor, to the department for approval.
  • Applicants who are approved by the department must submit the English & Creative Writing 4+1 application to the Graduate School by the annual deadline of December 15.
  • Applicants must provide all materials required by the online Graduate School application, which include:
    • Transcripts
    • GRE scores (we do not require the English literature subject test)
    • Recommendation letters
    • Statement of purpose
    • Writing sample
  • If admitted to the graduate program, M.A. candidates must fulfill all requirements for the M.A. degree, which include:
    • 24 hours of graduate-level coursework (at least 16 hours in writing workshops, plus 4-8 hours of writing courses)
    • A master’s thesis
    • If appropriate, a student may begin graduate coursework in her/his final undergraduate year. This must be arranged in consultation with the Director of the Creative Writing Program.