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(2/17/2022) Lisa Russ Spaar, poetry reading: 7 PM, Face Masks Required, Buttrick 101

Posted by on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 in event, spotlight.

Lisa Russ Spaar is the author/editor of over twelve books of poetry and criticism, including, most recently, More Truly and More Strange:  100 Contemporary American Self-Portrait Poems (2020) and Madrigalia:  New & Selected Poems (November 2021).  Her debut novel, Paradise Close, will appear in April 2022.  Her honors include a Rona Jaffe Award for Emerging Women Writers, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize, and the Library of Virginia Award for Poetry.  She was a 2014 Finalist for the National Book Circle Critics Award for Excellence in Reviewing and has served as the Beall Visiting Poet in Residence at Baylor University for a week each year since 2018.  Her poems have been recently published in Poetry, The New Yorker, IMAGE, The Yale Review, the Virginia Quarterly Review, The Kenyon Review, American Chordata, and elsewhere.   Her commentaries, reviews, and columns about poetry have appeared or are forthcoming in The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and elsewhere.  She is a professor in the Creative Writing Program of the Department of English at the University of Virginia, where for many years she directed the MFA program.