From the Dean | September 2021
Dear Arts and Science community, One of the many challenges facing higher education during the pandemic has been the ability of faculty to continue to conduct research and pursue creative expression. At many institutions, discovery writ large ground to a halt. With limited budgets, travel restrictions, closed archives, constrained operations of research labs, staff shortages, and supply chain issues, such slowdowns were inevitable. However, the College of Arts and Science faculty have nevertheless pressed forward on our mission of exceptional research. Our faculty were determined to pursue excellence in their work—in the lab, the field, the studio, and the library—and to continue exploring solutions to the most pressing issues of our time. Our faculty, in effect, made lemonade from these many lemons. I am especially proud that, even in these trying circumstances, our faculty received competitive grants and secured prestigious awards that recognize their cutting-edge research. Below are but a few examples of these wonderful acknowledgments from recent months:
These accomplishments represent only a small part of our faculty’s many scholarly contributions. They would be noteworthy at any time, but are especially impressive in the time of COVID, when many scholars around the world have had to put their work on hold. I am inspired by the A&S faculty for their ability to pivot, persevere, and significantly advance knowledge in their respective fields. As they have shown, never more than in the past year, they will continue to push boundaries, explore difficult questions, and find groundbreaking discoveries that have a positive impact on our world regardless of the obstacles before them. My best,