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Ph.D. Timeline

A Recommended Course of Study

The following table describes a recommended course of study to complete the program in 5 years of funding. Deviations are applicable by student in consultation with their advisor(s) and the DGS. Deadlines are requirements of the program.


YearYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Academic PlanCoursework in substantive fields, methods (7 courses)Coursework in substantive fields, methods (7 courses).

Develop original/ second-year papers.
Complete quality course requirements if not already finished.

Take 9 hours of research credit (8999) – prospectus coursework each semester.

Defend prospectus. Edit papers. All requirements for degree except dissertation must be complete prior to prospectus defense.
Take 12 hours or research credit (9999) – dissertation coursework.

Complete 2-3 chapters or 2 articles of dissertation. Submit & revise papers for publication. Apply for grants to support research.
Job market. Finish dissertation.
DeadlinesFirst-year review by May 15Comprehensive exam in first field in May.2nd-year review with plan-of-study by Aug 15

2nd-year paper submitted and presented in August.
Prospectus defense must be completed by September 1 of 4th year.
The Following SummerSummer training, deepen topic knowledgeSecond-year paper and prospectus research.Advance dissertation & publicationsWrite another chapter. Prep job talk and materials.Move to your new job!