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Kat Turk Awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Award & a DAAD Research Grant

Posted by on Friday, April 7, 2023 in Uncategorized.

Congratulations to EES Ph.D. Candidate Kat Turk for receiving a 2023-2024 Fulbright Study/Research Award to Germany and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) research grant. The Fulbright program aims to strengthen scientific, academic and cultural relations between Germany and the United States and to provide grantees with access to Germany’s excellent higher education system, outstanding infrastructure, and dynamic research ecosystem. The DAAD program offers the opportunity to carry out research primarily as part of doctoral projects in Germany.

With these awards, Kat plans to continue her experimental work on Ediacaran-Cambrian actuopaleontology in collaboration with the Department of Marine Research at Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Her project title is: “Lighting the fuse of the Cambrian explosion: An actuopaleontological approach”