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EES Ph.D. Candidate Kat Turk wins DAAD Foundation Respekt & Wertschätzung Scholarship

Posted by on Friday, August 27, 2021 in Graduate Students.

Congratulations to EES Ph.D. Candidate Kat Turk for being awarded the “Respekt & Wertschätzung” Scholarship from the DAAD Foundation in Germany! The scholarship allows American physics students to conduct research in Germany. Kat will be working with the Division of Actuopalaeontology at Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven from May-August 2022 to run experiments studying the chemical and physical impacts of burrowing marine fauna on their environments. She will be using these experiments with modern analogues to shed light on the potential role bioturbation may have played in the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition around 540 million years ago and whether or not it may have facilitated the subsequent Cambrian explosion.