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Immersion and Study Abroad

Students enrolled in classical and Mediterranean studies have unique opportunities for immersive learning and international education. The experiences of focused exploration and foreign travel broaden our horizons of understanding and challenge us with new perspectives, beyond learning in the classroom and library. To appreciate ancient and medieval literature deeply, we encourage students to read ancient texts at the advanced level and conduct their own research. To comprehend the environmental and geographic conditions of ancient and medieval history, we encourage students to spend time in Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. To grasp the context of ancient religion, art, and life, we encourage students to go and see the Mediterranean basin, and to dig up the remains of the past.

To pursue a project in fulfillment of the Immersion requirement for graduation, students should contact our faculty or seek the advice of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dan Solomon. For general information, visit Immersion Vanderbilt. We hope that all students of classical and Mediterranean studies will consider study abroad through one of many channels:

  • The department’s Maymesters during the summer in Greece (CLAS3710), Rome (CLAS3720), and Israel (CLAS3730)
  • Various study abroad programs during the fall or spring semester. For general information, visit the Global Education Office.
  • Independent study during the summer (e.g., intensive language instruction), in consultation with the department