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2022/2023 Lecture Series Event – Self-Harm and the Death Drive: A history through Antiquity

Posted by on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 in Uncategorized.

The Department of Classical and Mediterranean Studies Lecture Series presents Self-Harm and the Death Drive: A history through Antiquity, a lecture by Simon Goldhill, Professor of Greek Literature and Culture at King’s College, University of Cambridge. This event will be held in 203 Cohen Memorial Hall on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 4:10pm with reception to follow the presentation. Free event parking will be available in Lot 95 by Cohen Memorial Hall in all non-reserved spaces.

How does self‐harm reveal a culture’s view of the self? When is it good to give up your life? When is self‐mutilation an accepted practice and what does it tell us about a community’s understanding of the body? This lecture will look at what we can learn about antiquity and modernity through stories of violence against the self, from auto‐castration to suicide, from fasting to death to fighting to the death.

This lecture is sponsored by the Department of Classical and Mediterranean Studies with co-sponsorship from the Department of Medicine, Health, and Society. It is free and open to the public.