Author Archives: victorf

Journal Club – Spring 2014

Journal Club Schedule of Spring 2014 Continue reading

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Journal Club – Fall 2013

Journal Club Schedule of Fall 2013 Continue reading

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Nature Paper – A brighter method for measuring the surface gravity of distant stars

Congratulations to Fabienne and Keivan and our erstwhile colleague Josh Pepper for the Bastien et al. article just published in Nature!   Nature News and Views article link: full article link: and the Vanderbilt news release article:

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Congratulations to Nathan De Lee on faculty position!

Congratulating Nathan De Lee on being selected for a faculty position at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK).

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Joey Rodriguez’s publication in the Astronomical Journal

Congratulating Joey on the acceptance of his first-author paper, “Occultation of the T Tauri Star RW Aurigae A by Its Tidally Disrupted Disk” by the Astronomical Journal. Congrats to Joey, and thanks especially to Josh Pepper for his supervision and … Continue reading

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Special Astronomy Journal Club, Fri. Jan.18 at noon, SC 6333

Trey will be giving a special journal club talk (in addition to our normal AJC) this Friday at 12pm Noon in SC6333. The title of his talk is: Title: Gotcha! How nature hid a star behind a brown dwarf’s veil.Speaker: Trey … Continue reading

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Journal Club – Spring 2013

Journal Club Schedule of Spring 2013 Continue reading

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Special Astro Seminar, Thu. Dec.6 at noon, SC6501

Dr. Catherine Espaillat will be visiting us Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning of next week. She will be giving a talk on some of her research on Thursday at 12pm in room 6501. Please see her talk title and abstract … Continue reading

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Pro-Am Teamwork on the Rise

In order to understand how magnetic fields work on low mass M dwarf stars, Vanderbilt astronomer, Leslie Hebb, enlisted help from a team of amateur astronomers around the world to support her spectroscopic observations of the eclipsing binary, YY Gem, … Continue reading

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Andreas Berlind wins prestigious CAREER award to study dark matter

Check the Research News @ Vanderbilt: Engineer, astronomer and geologist receive NSF Faculty Early Career Development awards

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