Astro Seminar: Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

Note: Astro seminar blurb here!

Date Title Speaker
August 26, 2024 From ADS to SciX: Extending ADS to all NASA Science Manuel Pichardo Marcano
September 2, 2024 Low-Mass, Unresolved Binaries identified by their Gaia XP Spectra Zach Way
September 9, 2024 NO TALK NO SPEAKER
September 16, 2024 How to Study Early-Universe Cosmology with LISA Robbie Rosati
September 23, 2024 Do Transformers dream of coalescing binaries? Chayan Chatterjee
September 30, 2024 From Plates to Robots: A Discussion of the Planning, Execution and Early Results from SDSS-V Ilija Medan
October 7, 2024 TBD TBD
October 14, 2024 TBD TBD
October 21, 2024 TBD TBD
October 28, 2024 TBD TBD
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