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Elvira Aballi Morell

Postdoctoral Fellow

Elvira Aballi Morell is a National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University. With a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University, Elvira has a diverse background in teaching Literature and Music. She has held positions at Vanderbilt University and the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University. Her areas of expertise span various subjects, focusing on pedagogical praxis, the digital humanities, and the intersections of literature, race, religion, and music. Her book manuscript, “El arte femenino: Interpretando los códigos de la Sociedad Abakuá,” explores how various twentieth and twenty-first-century Cuban and US artists have represented the Abakua Society—a Cuban religious male confraternity—and how the Society’s colonial legacies have shaped modern and contemporary cultural practices. She is also a classically-trained flutist who enjoys creating Spotify playlists ranging from Portuguese “fados” to German “lieds.”