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Heidi Bludau

Senior Lecturer of Medicine, Health, and Society
Assistant Director of Graduate Studies of Medicine, Health, and Society

Heidi Bludau earned her PhD in Anthropology at Indiana University in 2012. From 2012 to 2022, she taught as a lecturer in Applied Anthropology at Monmouth University.

Dr. Bludau’s research program centers on the professional identity of healthcare workers, primarily nurses. The project that served as the basis of her dissertation was an examination of global healthcare migration through the recruitment and migration of Czech nurses; Saudi Arabia is their primary destination site. She used a critical and applied approach to medical anthropology in order to examine the Czech and Saudi national healthcare systems and policies in relation to individual motivations for migration. A key element is the position of healthcare labor recruiters as a node in the migration chain. A large part of her research consisted of an organizational analysis of a Czech recruitment firm in which she was embedded for almost a year.