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Julie Ward publishes analysis of police shootings in the United States

Posted by on Thursday, March 14, 2024 in Uncategorized.

Assistant Professor Julie Ward’s, RN, PhD, MN, study on fatal and non-fatal police shootings in the United States from 2015-2020 was published in the April edition of the American Journal of Public Health. This multiyear study was a joint effort with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions and sought to compare fatal and nonfatal shootings by police within the United States. Over 10,000 shootings involving police were analyzed and examined through variables such as victim demographics and characteristics in order to bolster understanding of injurious police shootings.

5 students within Vanderbilt’s Department of Medicine, Health, and Society are working with Dr. Ward to support ongoing research in this topic.


Read the article here: National Burden of Injury and Deaths from Shootings by Police in the United States, 2015-2020