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Undergraduate Student Resources



Academic Resources

Campus Involvement

Student Members of the American Chemical Society

Chemistry majors get together to participate in a variety of activities, such as “Mole Day” celebrations, traveling to ACS meetings, doing science demonstrations at the Nashville Adventure Science Center, doing classroom demonstrations in conjunction with Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science (VSVS), tutoring, and picnics. Membership in the American Chemical Society is optional but recommended. The ACS offers an affordable membership for students, with access to the ACS membership benefits. Visit the ACS website for more information. The faculty adviser for the Student Members of the American Chemical Society is Dr. Katie Clements.


Careers in Medicine

Heath Professions Advising: Students interested in using the chemistry major as preparation for careers in the health professions are strongly encouraged to visit the Health Professions Advisory Office (HPAO) early in their undergraduate career. The HPAO has a wealth of health information and assists with medical school applications.

Careers in Chemistry

Graduate School in Chemistry

If you are interested in a career in chemistry, you may want to consider graduate school. In most cases, having a graduate degree will provide a higher pay and open up a wider range of career options than not having an advanced degree. For instance, colleges require a master’s or a Ph.D. in order to teach courses in chemistry, with preference for a Ph.D. Many industrial research positions are only open to employees with advanced degrees. Chemistry research experience is often essential for admission to the top-level Ph.D. graduate programs. Most terminal master’s degree programs require you to pay for the degree. However, most Ph.D. programs provide stipends for teaching or research assistantships and tuition reimbursement while you are a Ph.D. candidate. In most cases, you do not need to obtain a master’s degree on the way to a Ph.D.

Contact your adviser if you are interested in graduate school. The admissions process for graduate schools begins in the fall of your senior year. In the past, it was recommended that you take the general GRE, however, many schools are now making the GRE optional. Please consult with the graduate programs of choice prior to making a decision about this examination. There is a subject GRE, which can be used to apply for additional (and competitive) NSF funding. You will want to line up at least three faculty members to write letters of recommendation for you. While most applications for grad school do not close until March, strong candidates who apply early will often be offered topping-up awards (additional money each year on top the basic graduate student stipend).

Chemistry Career Resources

The American Chemical Society provides various resources for students interested in pursuing careers in chemistry.