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The list below is a representative sampling of courses offered by the chemistry department. For a full list of current courses, please see the Vanderbilt undergraduate catalog or YES (enrolled students only). 

See a sample course schedule.

Chemistry Undergraduate Courses

First semester of general chemistry. General principles of chemistry for science and engineering students. Composition and structure of matter, chemical reactions, bonding, solution chemistry, and kinetics. Thermodynamics, equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and coordination compounds. Three lectures per week and a recitation period. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 1010 without permission. Serves as repeat credit for 1010. Corequisite: discussion and 1601L. 3 credit hours.

First semester of general chemistry lab. Laboratory to accompany 1601. One three-hour laboratory per week. Satisfies the AXLE lab course requirement when completed with 1601. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 1010L without permission. Serves as repeat credit for CHEM 1010L. Prerequisite or corequisite: 1601. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit if taken without 1601.)

Second semester of general chemistry; continuation of 1601. General principles of chemistry for science and engineering students. Composition and structure of matter, chemical reactions, bonding, solution chemistry, and kinetics. Thermodynamics, equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and coordination compounds. Three lectures per week and a recitation period. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 1020 without permission. Serves as repeat credit for 1020. Prerequisite: 1601. Corequisite: discussion and 1602L. 3 credit hours.

Second semester of general chemistry lab. Laboratory to accompany 1602. One three-hour laboratory per week. Satisfies the AXLE lab course requirement when completed with 1602. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 1020L without permission. Serves as repeat credit for CHEM 1020L. Prerequisite: 1601L. Corequisite: 1602. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit if taken without 1601.)

Foundational Courses

Fundamental types of organic compounds; their nomenclature, classification, preparations, reactions, and general application. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation each week. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 2221. Total credit for this course and CHEM 2221 will not exceed 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: enrollment limited to first-year students with advanced placement chemistry scores of 5, IB score of 6 or 7, or the approval of the director of undergraduate studies. Corequisite: discussion and 2221L. 3 credit hours.

Continuation of 2211. Fundamental types of organic compounds; their nomenclature, classification, preparations, reactions, and general application. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation each week. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 2222. Total credit for this course and CHEM 2222 will not exceed 3 hours. Prerequisite: enrollment limited to first-year students with advanced placement chemistry scores of 5, or 2211, or the approval of the director of undergraduate studies. Corequisite: discussion and 2222L. 3 credit hours.

First semester of organic chemistry. Fundamental types of organic compounds. Nomenclature and classification. Preparations, reactions, and general application. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation each week. Serves as repeat credit for CHEM 2211. No credit for graduate students in chemistry. Prerequisite: 1602. Corequisite: discussion and 2221L. 3 credit hours.

First semester of organic chemistry lab. Laboratory to accompany 2211 or 2221. One four-hour laboratory per week. Satisfies the AXLE lab course requirement when completed with 2211 or 2221. Prerequisite or corequisite: 2211 or 2221. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit without 2211 or 2221.)

Second semester of organic chemistry; continuation of 2221. Fundamental types of organic compounds. Nomenclature and classification. Preparations, reactions, and general application. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation each week. Serves as repeat credit for CHEM 2212. Prerequisite: 2211 or 2221. Corequisite: discussion and 2222L. 3 credit hours.

Second semester of organic chemistry lab. Laboratory to accompany 2212 or 2222. One four-hour laboratory per week. Satisfies the AXLE lab course requirement when completed with 2212 or 2222. Prerequisite or corequisite: 2212 or 2222. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit without 2211 or 2221.)

Fundamental quantitative analytical chemistry with emphasis on principles of analysis, separations, equilibria, stoichiometry, and spectrophotometry. Pre-requisite: CHEM 1602 and 1602L or credit for 1602 with a score of AP 5, IB 6 or 7. Corequisite: 2100L. 3 credit hours. The lab (2100L) is required of all chemistry and BCB majors. For biochemistry majors who do not need the lab, please email the DUS to register for the course without the lab.

Laboratory to accompany Chemistry 2100. One four-hour laboratory per week. Satisfies the AXLE lab course requirement when completed with 2100. Prerequisite or corequisite: 2100. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit without 2100.)

A survey of modern inorganic chemistry including coordination compounds and the compounds of the main-group elements. Representative reactions and current theories are treated. Prerequisite or corequisite: 3300 or 3310. 3 credit hours.

Chemical kinetics and principles of quantum chemistry applied to molecular structure, bonding, and spectroscopy. Prior study of multivariable calculus is expected. No credit for graduate students in chemistry. Prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS 1501, 1601, or 1911. Prerequisite: MATH 1201 or 1301. 3 credit hours.

Chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium, their statistical foundation, and applications to chemical phenomena. Prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS 1501, 1601, or 1911. Prerequisite: MATH 1201 or 1301. 3 credit hours.

Experiments in chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. Data analysis and presentation. No credit for graduate students in chemistry. One three-hour laboratory or one lecture per week. Calculus through Math 2300 recommended. Prerequisite: 2222L and either MATH 1201 or 1301. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit)

In-Depth Courses (Electives)

Synthesis, characterization, and assembly of nanoscale materials. No credit for graduate students in chemistry. Prerequisite: 1602. 3 credit hours.

Functions of inorganic elements in living cells. The manner in which coordination can modify the properties of metallic ions in living systems. Prerequisite: 2212 or 2222. 3 credit hours.

Chemical and physical principles of modern analytical chemistry instrumentation. Prerequisite: 2100 and either 2212 or 2222. 3 credit hours.

Techniques, methodologies, data collection, and interpretation. Laboratory experience with drug analysis, toxicology, trace, and arson analysis. Two hours of lecture and one four-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 2100 and 2100L. 3 credit hours. There will be off-campus work or visits in this course.

Theoretical and practical aspects of spectroscopic methods, with an emphasis on NMR spectroscopy, for structural characterization of organic compounds. Prerequisite: 2212 or 2222. 3 credit hours.

Synthesis and characterization of macromolecular materials including linear, branched, dendrimetric, and star polymers. Mechanical and physiochemical properties of polymeric types. Kinetics of living polymerization. Applications to nanostructures, templates, and advanced devices. Prerequisite: 1602. 3 credit hours.

Essential metabolites including vitamins, steroids, peptides, and nucleotides. Consideration of phosphate esters and the synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides. Three lectures per week. Prerequisite: 2212 or 2222. Co-requisite or pre-requisite: BSCI 2520. 3 credit hours.

A general description of the preparation, reaction chemistry, molecular structure, bonding, and spectroscopic identification of organometallic compounds of the transition metals. Prerequisite or co-requisite: 3010 or 3020. 3 credit hours.

Stereochemistry and conformational analysis; mechanisms of organic reactions; linear free-energy relationships; reactive intermediates. Three lectures and one recitation hour per week. Serves as repeat credit for CHEM 5210. Not open to students who have earned credit for 5209 without permission. Total credit for this course and CHEM 5209 will not exceed 4 hours. Credit reduced from most recent course taken (or from test or transfer credit) as appropriate. Prerequisite: either 2212 or 2222 and either 3300 or 3311. 4 credit hours.

Statistical mechanics and chemical equilibrium. Distribution laws, partition functions, and thermodynamic properties of atoms and molecules. Applications to gases, liquids, and solids. Prerequisite: either 3300 or 3310, and Math 2300. 3 credit hours.

Concepts of drug design; physical chemistry of drug interactions with receptors, enzymes, and DNA; drug absorption and distribution. Organic chemistry of drug metabolism; mechanism of action for selected therapeutic classes. Prerequisite: 3710 or BSCI 2520. 3 credit hours.

Non-major Courses

Topics vary. General Elective credit only. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE Credit)

General principles for non-science majors or those not planning on taking additional chemistry courses. The periodic table, chemical reactions, properties of solutions, and atmospheric chemistry with connections to global environmental issues. No prior chemistry experience required. Not a prerequisite for advanced courses in chemistry. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 1601, 2211, or 2221 without permission. Total credit for this course and 1601, 2211, or 2221 will not exceed 3 credit hours. Credit reduced from second course taken (or test or transfer credit) as appropriate. 3 credit hours.

Laboratory to accompany 1010. One three-hour laboratory per week. Satisfies the AXLE lab course requirement when completed with 1010. Not open to students who have earned credit for CHEM 1601L or 2221L without permission. Total credit for this course and 1601L or 2221L will not exceed 1 credit hour. Credit reduced from second course taken (or test or transfer credit) as appropriate. Corequisite: 1010. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit without 1010.)

Independent learning and inquiry in an environment in which students can express knowledge and defend opinions through intensive class discussion, oral presentations, and written expression. May be repeated for credit once if there is no duplication of topic, but students may earn only up to 3 credits in any 1111 course per semester of enrollment. [3 credit hours; maximum of 6 credits total for all semesters of 1111] (AXLE credit category varies by section)

We have offered the following categories most recently: Food Chemistry, Chemistry of Everyday Things, and Chemistry in Neuropsychiatric Disorders.

Topics vary by section and instructor. May be repeated for credit; students may register for more than one section of this course in the same semester. Not eligible toward the major or minor. 3 credit hours.

Assigned readings and problems in the nature and use of the chemical literature. Prerequisite: 2212 or 2222. 1 credit hour. (No AXLE credit)

Research Courses

Read more about how to register and qualify for undergraduate research.

Open to students who have earned at least 8 hours of credit and a minimum GPA of 2.7 in chemistry, with consent of the director of undergraduate studies and the sponsoring faculty member. May be repeated for credit more than once if there is no duplication in topic, but students may earn only up to 3 credits per semester of enrollment. Available for immersion experiential credit. 1-3 credit hours. (No AXLE credit

Open only to students in the departmental honors program. Original research supervised by research adviser, to be reported in thesis form with oral examination thereon. Available for immersion experiential credit. 2-4 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)

Open only to students in the departmental honors program. Original research supervised by research adviser, to be reported in thesis form with oral examination thereon. Available for immersion experiential credit. 2-4 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)

Open only to students in the departmental honors program. Original research supervised by research adviser, to be reported in thesis form with oral examination thereon. Available for immersion experiential credit and immersion project presentation. 2 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)

Multidisciplinary laboratory projects. Experimental design, synthetic techniques, chemical analysis, spectroscopy, and computational methods. Offered on a graded basis only. Limited to senior majors. Prerequisite: 2100, 2100L. 3 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)

Continuation of 4965. Offered on a graded basis only. Limited to senior majors. Prerequisite: 4965. 3 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)

Seminar/Reading Courses

Can be taken in support of research courses with permission of DUS and research mentor.

Open only to students in the departmental honors program. General reading supervised by research adviser. 2 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)

Open only to students in the departmental honors program. Continuation of 3841, with emphasis on research planned. 2 credit hours. (No AXLE credit)