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Undergrad Courses Timetable

During the first two years, students will take courses that provide the foundation for in-depth courses. If you are planning a chemistry major and wish to graduate in four years, then it is important to start your chemistry courses in your first year.

Most students will start their chemistry career in General Chemistry and lab, CHEM 1601, 1602 / 1601L, 1602L. Students with a chemistry AP score of 5 are strongly encouraged to use their AP credit for CHEM 1601, 1602 / 1601L, 1602L and start chemistry courses in CHEM 2211, 2212 / 2221L, 2222L (advanced placement organic chemistry and lab). It is often useful to take analytical chemistry (CHEM 2100/2100L) during these first two years, schedule permitting. Students should be taking calculus, preferably MATH 1300/1301. As physics is a pre-requisite for junior-level chemistry courses, it is recommended to take one of the physics series, either PHYS 1601, 1602 or PHYS 1501,1502 with the corresponding labs 1601L/1602L, during the first two years (PHYS 1911-1912 with 1912L is also acceptable). Additionally, AXLE requirements will need to be started, paying attention to writing courses.

Sample Course Schedule

Year 1     
FallCHEM 1601/1601L4SpringCHEM 1602/1602L4
MATH 13004MATH 13014
ENGL 1XXXW3*BSCI 1511/1511L4
*BSCI 1510/1510L4PSYC 12003
Total Semester Hours15Total Semester Hours15
Year 2     
FallCHEM 2221/2221L4SpringCHEM 2222/2222L4
CHEM 2100/2100L4PHYS 1502/1602L4
PHYS 1501/1601L4Writing Course3
**CHEM 36001
Total Semester Hours15Total Semester Hours15

Starting in Advanced Placement Organic Chemistry (CHEM 2211)

Year 1     
FallCHEM 2211/2221L4SpringCHEM 2212/2222L4
MATH 13004MATH 13014
ENGL 1XXXW3*BSCI 1511/1511L4
*BSCI 1510/1510L4PSYC 12003
Total Semester Hours15Total Semester Hours15
Year 2     
FallCHEM 2100/2100L4SpringCHEM 33103
PHYS 1501/1601L4PHYS 1502/1602L4
AXLE Writing 3Writing Course3
**CHEM 36001
Total Semester Hours14Total Semester Hours14

*BSCI 1510 is a prerequisite for BSCI 2520, which is required for the major. BSCI 1510/1511 series with lab is often taken by those who are pre-health or pre-med.

** CHEM 3600 is a chemical literature course and not a chemistry major or minor course; it is here for an example of a good course for those who will do research.

Courses for 3rd and 4th year Students

Of the foundation courses in chemistry, physical chemistry, CHEM 3300 and CHEM 3310, and physical chemistry lab, CHEM 3315, are usually taken 3rd year. Inorganic chemistry (CHEM 3010) is often taken in the 4th year. Biochemistry (BSCI 2520) can be taken any time after organic chemistry. BSCI 1510 is recommended as a preparation for BSCI 2520. Additionally, BSCI 2520 is a prerequisite for CHEM 4720: Chemical Principles for Drug Design and Development. Students should start planning which in-depth courses they will pursue by the end of the 2nd year. Students considering an Honors project should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the fall of the 3rd year. During the 4th year, students will take the capstone lab courses in both the fall and spring semesters, with the exception of Honors majors. Students pursuing licensure for teaching through Peabody will only be required to take one capstone lab during the 4th year.

Year 3     
FallCHEM In-Depth or
CHEM 3300
3SpringCHEM In-depth or
CHEM 3310
AXLE3AXLE Language4
BSCI 25203CHEM 33151
CHEM 38602AXLE (W)3
AXLE Language4CHEM 38602
Total Semester Hours15Total Semester Hours13
Year 4     
FallCHEM 3010
3SpringCHEM 49662
CHEM 48652CHEM In-Depth3
AXLE or Elective3Double Major Elective3
AXLE or Elective3AXLE3
Total Semester Hours14Total Semester Hours14

Note: Not all AXLE courses are accounted for in plan. Please check with your adviser.