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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)

Vanderbilt University has two Nuclear Magnetic Resonance facilities housing a total of ten state-of-the-art NMR spectrometers. They are available to all Vanderbilt faculty, staff and students.

Instruments in the Small Molecule Facility are used for structure elucidation of small organic molecule from synthesis, natural compounds or metabolites, as well as polymer, organometallic, inorganic material, nanoparticle or other studies. In the Biomolecular NMR Facility, the emphasis is to determine the atomic resolution structures of DNA and proteins and their complexes, identify the dynamics of those molecules or ligand interaction sites, and many other applications.

Training classes are available on three levels: Basic 1D NMR, Advanced and 2D NMR, and Special Topics. They are offered for use by faculty, staff, and students and are typically held several times a year. These training classes focus on the practical aspects of acquiring and processing NMR data sets. Two full-time staff are available to assist students and maintain the facilities.

Visit the NMR Facilities:


Small Molecule Facility

Stevenson Center (SC1119)

Director: Dr. Don Stec

Including a 400 MHz Bruker AV-III Nanobay spectrometer with automatic SampleXPress sample changer in the satellite facility of Medical Research Building IV (12440 MRB IV).

AV-II 400 with SampleJet with BACS


AV-II 500 with SampleJet

AV-II 600 with Cryoprobe, HPCL-SPE unit, and a Case 24 automatic sample changer



Biomolecular NMR Facility

Biomolecular NMR Building of Stevenson Center

Director: Dr. Markus Voehler

Biomolecular NMR Building                                                                                               AV-III 600 and 800 with cryoprobes and automatic sample changers


AV-III 800 and 900 with cryoprobes and automatic sample changers.                               AV-III 800 with SampleCase

AV-III 900 with cryobase and Sample Jet



Helium Recovery System for both NMR facilities