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Graduate Student Resources

General Resources

Graduate School Resources

Steps to Graduation Information

  1. CHEMSACS/Departmental Redcap Survey Tracking and Online Forms (see REDcap instructions for additional help)
  2. Graduate School Forms and Timeline
  3. Doctoral Workflows (Kuali Forms)*
  4. Doctoral Workflows – User Guide for Graduate Students
  5. Graduate School Checklist for Graduation
  6. Graduate Student Departmental Check-out Sheet


*Please refer to the table below as a quick reference for which systems/processes are used based on the form you wish to submit:

Kuali Submission via Doctoral WorkflowRedCap Submission via Grad School FormsYES Submission via Grad School FormsInternal Departmental Forms & RedCap Dashboard
Appoint/Change AdvisorTransfer Credit RequestIndependent Study Request through YESQualifying Exam Results Form
Permission To AuditIntent to Graduate Form through YES Defense Dissertation Results Form
Graduate Credit for Undergraduate or Professional Course
Appoint or Modify the Ph.D. Committee*

Please do not use this form if you are a 2nd year student.
2nd years should only use your individual RedCap
dashboard to submit for preliminary committees.
Schedule or Modify the Qualifying Exam*
Qualifying Exam Results Form
Schedule or Modify the Dissertation Defense
Dissertation Defense Results Form
Extend Deadline to Enter Candidacy (Qualifying Exam Extension)
Extend Candidacy (To Defend and Graduate)
*NOTE: You can submit one form to act as both the appointment of the
Ph.D. committee and the request to schedule the qualifying exam.
You may select multiple options when selecting to complete both tasks.

Academic Resources

Student Support Resources

Student Travel and Expenses Resources

Research Resources

Career Resources

Current job openings in higher education:

Current job openings in industry settings:

Think we need to add something? Suggest a link!


LocationPhone Number
Chemistry Administrative Office615-322-2861
Chemistry Storeroom615-322-2581
Environmental Health and Safety615-322-2057
Instrumental Laboratory615-322-8171
NMR Lab615-343-9255
Plant Operations (during work hours)615-322-9675
Plant Operations EMS (after working hours)615-322-2621
Floods, electrical/HVAC/water outages