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Honors Program

Honors research in the Department of Biological Sciences is a rigorous program in which the central feature is a two semester research project under the guidance of a faculty member. 

Read more about honors research in biological sciences.

Current Honors Students

 StudentThesis Title
Madi BaltagulovUnderstanding the role of aspartate metabolism in Salmonella enterica infection.
Olivia Ben-Levy Serotonin (5-HT) as a Modulation of Pancreatitis Progression 
Erika Cao Investigating antennal sensory-motor reflex circuits in Drosophila
Katherine Carrubba Experimental Evolution of Timekeeping Systems in E. coli
Alex ChoInvestigating the Role of DDX5 and DDX17 in the Wnt Signaling Pathway
Jeremy ClementsSignificance of P2Y2 GPCR pathways in cardiac cell differentiation
Lauren Corliss Elucidating Male and Female Acetabular Development in a Murine Model
Jasmin ElnaggarCrosstalk between cGAS/STING and necroptotic cell death in myeloid cells
Avery FortierDefining Ideal Liver Storage Temperature through Porcine Donation after Cardiac Death Model
Rachael GarciaApis mellifera Thermoregulation and Circadian Rhythm
Marina He Developing Antibodies Against Thrombospondin-1 for Chronic Kidney Disease
Sarah Hourihan  A spatiotemporal analysis of the effect of urbanization on birdsong 
Nikhita Joshi IL-17 Activation of Fibroblasts: Impact on Gastric Tissue During H. pylori Infection
Victoria LiA mechanism for APC and AP2-clathrin complex interaction upon Wnt activation
Jiayue Liu Investigating the Role of SCFAs in Pancreatitis: Effects on Microbiome Diversity and Healing
Natalie LoveridgeThe Role of the TcdA CROPs Domain in Clostridiodes difficile Toxin Secretion
Abigail ParkerThe Pathogenicity of SEC23A Variants in Zebrafish Models
Isabelle Smith Effects of Hypertensive Endothelial Cell Stretch on the Formation of ex-Tregs
Sidney Vafaie-PartinImproved in vitro Modeling of Hyperactivity in diseased Microglia
Maggie ZhouInhibition of RAS/PI3K/RAF signaling with rigosertib and/or trametinib slows melanoma growth in vitro: the role of CD40 induction