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Graduate Admissions

The Ph.D. in Biological Sciences

The Graduate Program in Biological Sciences educates graduate students on the foundational areas of molecular, cellular, and organismal biology and provides in-depth training with faculty while engaging in state-of-the-art scholarly research. Our program prepares students for a variety of careers in science, which include academic research and teaching, as well as working in governmental agencies and the biotechnology sector. Training begins with coursework, seminars, and professional development activities and culminates with published research that is incorporated into a formal thesis. The Biological Sciences Graduate Program also values and provides training in teaching and mentorship. By the time of graduation, students in the Program will have developed critical thinking skills and technical expertise while making novel discoveries through their dissertation research.

The research interests of the faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences are inherently diverse, ranging from molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems. Specifically, the faculty have primary research interests in the areas of biological clocks, computational biology, evolution, genomics, genome maintenance, protein trafficking, vector biology, entomology, symbiosis, speciation, microbiology and microbiomes, immunology, mitochondrial function, small RNAs, synapse formation and plasticity, and development and regeneration of visual and olfactory sensory systems. Therefore, students are immersed in a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive environment while conducting disciplinary and interdisciplinary research.

Students enroll in the PhD Program in Biological Sciences via direct admission or through the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (IGP) in Biological and Biomedical Sciences, the Quantitative and Chemical Biology (QCB) program, and the Medical Scientist Training Program.

Applying to the Program

Students enter the biological sciences program via two pathways. Applications may be made directly to the Department of Biological Sciences; here students enter the program at the beginning of their first year (direct entry). Alternatively, students can apply to Vanderbilt University’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (IGP) or the Quantitative and Chemical Biology Program (QCB) and after rotating with biological sciences faculty, may enter Biological Sciences at the end of their first year. 

  • Qualifications: the Program in Biological Sciences seeks students with backgrounds in any area of biology or a related discipline and, most importantly, a passion for original research. These areas include molecular, cellular, chemical, developmental, evolutionary, organismal, or computational biology. 
  • Application deadline: applications for the start of the upcoming academic year open on August 1 and must be submitted through the Vanderbilt Graduate School application portal by December 1.
  • Application: strong applications to the biological sciences program include the student’s academic record from prior institutions, a statement of purpose that details the student’s interests in graduate school and beyond, and several reference letters that provide insight into an applicant’s prior experience, motivation for graduate school, and aptitude for research. Results from the GRE exam are not required.
  • Evaluation and interviews: all applications are evaluated by a dedicated admissions committee. The top applicants are then invited to an in-person interview that is fully paid for by Vanderbilt University.
  • Questions? Please email or call (615) 343-2008 for assistance.