AstroChat, Fri. Apr.19 at 11am, 9th floor conference room

AstroChat meets weekly on Friday at 11am in the 9th floor conference room.

AstroChat is tailored to the grad students, especially junior grad students. We can come together and chat about the things we learned that week in the other Astro-events. Feel free to bring any question you may have about astronomy and the business of doing astronomy research. We most likely will not answer every question during AstroChat, but instead we will point you towards someone with whom you can discuss your question offline.

There will be 10min slots available for you to practice presenting a paper you may be thinking of giving to a larger audience at AstroLunch, AJC, or AstroBrew. Announcements of particular milestones/achievements (no matter how small) in your research or coursework are welcome. Any problems you run into in said areas can be brought up and we can reason together about how to begin to address them.

In short, this will be a very friendly environment where we are all open about our areas of expertise as well as our areas of ignorance, and thus, no one needs to be shy about not knowing something. The goal is to keep you inspired and motivated as you find yourself trudging through some of the more tedious and perhaps de-moralizing aspects of publishing awesome research!

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