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Vanderbilt Anthropology Graduate Student Association

The Vanderbilt Anthropology Graduate Student Association (VAGSA) represents the interests of graduate students at Vanderbilt and promotes educational growth. The association holds periodic meetings and social events and sponsors events for Vanderbilt professors and graduate students to present their research. Elections are held every academic year and representatives participate as liaisons between graduate students, faculty, administration, the Graduate Student Council, and the Nashville community.


Co-Presidents: Sylvia Cheever and Rosseirys De La Rosa

Secretary: Jasmine Keyes

Treasurer: Jean-Paul Rojas

Graduate Student Council Liaison: Natalie Bruno

Speakers Committee Liaisons: Mandy Muise and An Hoang-Xuan

Graduate Union Liaison: Isaac Gutierrez

Social Chairs (also Typing and Tapas Coordinators): Allie Reichert and Juan Jose Lopez

Social Media Chair: Katie McCormack

Community Service Chair: Samantha Turley