Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 24th (time and location TBA) Cxffeeblack, Decolonizing Coffee Forum [co-sponsored with CAL]
Anthro Hour
Friday, September 6th, 3:00 (Center Building, Room 200) Rob Tennyson, “Early Life Environments, Changing Lifeways, and Inflammation Amongthe Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia”
Friday, September 20th, 3:00 (Center Building, Room 200) Ana Luiza Morais Soares, “Cyber Warriors: Activism and Performances of Indigeneity in Brazilian Social Media”
Friday, October 18th, 3:00 (Center Building, Room 200) Céline Erauw
Friday, November 8th, 3:00 (Center Building, Room 200) Marion Perrin
Visiting Speakers
Friday, September 27th, morning (Buttrick 123) Agustin Fuentes, Advanced Seminar w/ Anthropology and CAL
Tuesday, October 15th, noon-1pm (Buttrick 123, lunch provided) Aomar Boum, “Jewish Identity in Contemporary Morocco: Memory, Reconciliation, and Citizenship” [co-sponsored with Jewish Studies]
Wednesday, October 16th, noon (location TBA) Mayanthi Fernando, “Toward a Negative Zoology: Human Limitation and More-Than-Human Worlds” [co-sponsored with Religious Studies]
Wednesday, October 23rd, 4-5pm (location TBA) Maryna Nading, “Weaving Peace, Weaving Victory: Camouflage Nets Weaving in the Wartime Ukraine” [co-sponsored with Medicine, Health & Society]
Friday, October 25th, 12:15-1:30pm (locationTBA) Shadreck Chirikure, “When informants become knowledge producers: reframing Great Zimbabwe using indigenous knowledge”
Friday, November 15th (time and location TBA) Tasha Rijke-Epstein, Book Talk
Past Events
Visiting Speakers
Friday, March 22, 12:30 (virtual)
Carol Sufrin, Punished with Pregnancy: Abortion Denials in U.S. Prisons and the Reproductive Violence of Mass Incarceration
Wednesday, March 27 (time TBA)
Christopher Loperena, The Ends of Paradise: Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras
Friday, April 19, 12:30
Zachary DuBois, Challenging the Gender/Sex Binary: Embodied Inequalities and Transgender Health
45th Midwest Mesoamerican Archaeology & Ethnohistory Conference
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Keynote Speaker: Arthur Demarest, Ingram Professor of Anthropology
Sponsors: Department of Anthropology, CLACX, College of Arts and Science