External Awards and Honors
- Sam Turley: Outstanding Teaching Assistant
- Alex Korsunsky: Public Outreach Award
- James Zimmer-Dauphinee: Research Excellence Award
- Barbara Navaza: Engaged Anthropology Award
- Sylvia Cheever: Excellence in Transdisciplinary Research Award
- Katie McCormak: Outstanding Teaching Assistant
- Miguel Cuj: Public Outreach Award
- Alex Korsunksy: Research Excellence Award
- Allie Reichert: Engaged Anthropology Award
- Taiye Winful: Excellence in Transdisciplinary Research Award
- Phyllis Johnson: Teaching Award
Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Funds
Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Funds are awarded to graduate students by invitation-only and are used to extend a PGF/UGF for up to an additional two years. These important awards recognize the continued success of our PGF/UGF recipients and reward new recipients for their excellent scholarly accomplishments.
- Catherine McCormack
- Samantha Turley
Tarkington Family Scholarship
The $5,000 Tarkington Family Scholarship provides financial support based on need or merit for deserving students at the Graduate School. Preference in awarding will be for a doctoral candidate or graduate student studying for a degree in archaeology or bioarchaeology.
- Silvia Cheever
- Maria Corado
- Samantha Turley
- James Zimmer-Dauphinee
- Rebecca Estrada Aguila
Sidney P. Colowick Graduate Student Scholarship
The Sidney P. Colowick Graduate Student Scholarship was established to provide financial support for a deserving student at the Graduate School. The awardee will bear the title: Sidney P. Colowick Graduate Scholar and be recorded in the Bulletin of the Graduate School and Commencement and Investiture programs.
- Gabriela Oré Menéndez: NSF-DDIG, Legacies of Colonial Dislocation and Resettlement in Peru. Inaugural Rising Scholar, Seminars for the Society for American Archaeology.
- Gloria Perez: Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Post-Doctoral Award. Dissertation Fellowship, Centre for Ethnography, University of Toronto.
- Kathryn Peters: Fulbright IIE for research in Paraguay.
- Maya Krause: Fulbright IIE for research in Peru.
- Sylvia Cheever: NSF-GRFP three-year Fellowship.
College of Arts and Science Awards and Honors
- Taiye Winful: College of Arts and Science Summer Research Award
- Terren Proctor: College of Arts and Science Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award
Departmental Awards and Honors
- EU Zavaleta: Engaged Anthropology Award.
- Gabriela Oré Menéndez: Public Outreach Award.
- Maya Krause: Teaching Assistant Award.
- Miguel Cuj: Research Excellence Award.
- Terren Proctor: Transdisciplinary Award.