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Faculty Publications

Faculty in the Department of Anthropology are prolific researchers, producing a wealth of journal articles, books, and other manuscripts that add to the collective knowledge on a wide variety of anthropological subjects. See some of the latest research below, as well as past research through our publication series archive in archaeology and anthropology.

Benn Torres, Jada


Genetic Ancestry: Our Stories, Our Pasts.  Jada Benn Torres and Gabriel Torres Colón  Routledge Press.


Exploring the legacy of African and Indigenous Caribbean admixture in Puerto Rico.” Winful, Taiye, Katie McCormack, Elsa Mueller, Lijuan Chen, La Corporación Piñones Se Integra (COPI), Maricruz Rivera Clemente, and Jada Benn Torres. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 182, no. 2 (2023): 194-209.

Racial Experience in the Age of Direct-to-Consumer Ancestry Testing.” Jada Benn Torres. Nordic Journal of Social Research, 13.1:37-50.

The biology of racism.” Mullings, Leith, Jada Benn Torres, Agustín Fuentes, Clarence C. Gravlee, Dorothy Roberts, and Zaneta Thayer. American Anthropologist 123, no. 3 (2021): 671-680.

Anthropological perspectives on genomic data, genetic ancestry, and race.” Jada Benn Torres.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 171 (2020): 74-86.

Bjork-James, Carwil


The Sovereign Street, University of Arizona Press (2020).


“When Lethal Repression Fails: Unarmed Militancy and Backfire in Bolivia, 1982-2019.” Journal of Latin American Studies.

Transnational Social Movements: Environmentalist, Indigenous and Agrarian Struggles for Planetary Futures.” Carwil Bjork-James, Melissa Checker, and Marc Edelman. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 47: 583-608.

New Maps for an Inclusive Wikipedia: Decolonial Scholarship and Strategies to Counter Systemic Bias.” New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. Published January 6, 2021. 27(3): 207–28.

Unarmed Militancy: Tactical Victories, Subjectivity, and Legitimacy in Bolivian Street Protest.” American Anthropologist 122(2): 514–527.

When ‘Plurinational’ States Undermine Indigenous Territories: TIPNIS in Bolivia.” In Landscapes of Inequity: The Quest for Environmental Justice in the Andes/Amazon Region, 127–165. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Bjork-James, Sophie


The Divine Institution: White Evangelicalism’s Politics of the Family. Sophie Bjork-James. Rutgers University Press. [Winner of the Anne Bolin & Gil Herdt Book Prize given by the Human Sexuality and Anthropology Interest Group (2022); Reviewed in: American Anthropologist, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Reading Religion, and Religion Dispatches]


Focus on the Fetus: The evangelical ethic, anti-environmentalism, and the spirit of neoliberalism.” Sophie Bjork-James. Women’s Studies International Forum.

Lifeboat Theology: White evangelicalism, apocalyptic chronotopes, and environmental politics.” Sophie Bjork-James. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology.

Climate Change, Gender, and Authoritarianism: Entanglements of Anti-Feminism and Anti-Environmentalism in the Far Right.”, Sophie Bjork-James and Josef Barla. Special Issue for Journal of Australian Feminist Studies, Australian Feminist Studies, 36.110.

Racializing misogyny: Sexuality and gender in the new online white nationalism.” Sophie Bjork-James. Feminist Anthropology 1.2: 176-183.

Caramanica, Ari


Towards an Antifragility Framework in past human-environment dynamics.” Jaffe, Yitzchak, Ari Caramanica, and Max D. Price. Nature: Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 10:915.

Building resilience from risk: Interactions across ENSO, local environment, and farming systems on the desert north coast of Peru (1100BC-AD1460).” Caramanica, Ari. The Holocene 32(12):1410-1421.

The Political Economy of Livestock in Early States.” Corcoran-Tadd, Noa, Max D. Price, and Ari Caramanica. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 33(1):119-136.

“‘La abundancia’: Tierra, Labor y Agua en la Pampa de Mocan, Valle Chicama, Perú.” Caramanica, Ari. In Agua Tecnología y Ritual: función y cosmología hidráulica en el mundo prehispánico, edited by Kevin Lane, Peter Eeckhout, and Milton Luján. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae. Lima, Peru.

El Niño resilience farming on the north coast of Peru.” Caramanica, Ari, Luis Huaman Mesia, Claudia R. Morales, Gary Huckleberry, Luis Jaime Castillo B., and Jeffrey Quilter. PNAS 117(39): 24127-24137.

Conklin, Beth


Consuming Grief: Compassionate Cannibalism in an Amazonian Society. Beth A. Conklin. Austin: University of Texas Press.


Shifting Cultivation in Amazonia’s Middle Grounds: Propagating Connections Across Eco-Political-Economic Landscapes.” The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 25(2):340-350.

Last of the Stone Age Warriors: Book Reviews.” American Anthropologist 115(4):671-674.

Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 16(2):254-256.

“’I Lost My Head in Borneo’: Tourism and the Refashioning of the Headhunting Narrative in Sabah, Malaysia.” Cultural Analysis 6:1.

Intercambio fractal en una cosmologia canibal: dinamicas de oposicion y amistad en las fiestas de la Amazonia.” Boletín de Arqueología PUCP 9:45.

The Shifting Middle Ground: Amazonian Indians and Eco-Politics.” American anthropologist 97(4):695-710.

Demarest, Arthur


Constructing Policy to Confront Collapse: Ancient Experience and Modern Risk.” Demarest, Arthur, Victor B. Academy of Management Perspectives. 2022;36(2):768-800.

The Collapse of the Southern Lowland Classic Maya City-States: Dynastic Disaster and Network Failure.” Demarest, Arthur, et al. Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times, edited by Tsubasa Okoshi et al., 1st ed., University Press of Florida, pp. 327–48.

A New Direction in the Study of Ancient Maya Economics: Language, Logic, and Models from Strategic Management Studies.” Demarest, Arthur, Victor B, Andrieu C, Torres P. In: The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies. 1st ed. University Press of Florida; 2020:28-54.

Monumental Landscapes as Instruments of Radical Economic Change: The Rise and Fall of a Maya Economic Network.” Demarest, Arthur, et al. Approaches to Monumental Landscapes of the Ancient Maya, edited by BRETT A. HOUK et al., 1st ed., University Press of Florida, 2020, pp. 242–67.

Impacts of Climate Change on the Collapse of Lowland Maya Civilization.” Douglas PMJ, Demarest AA, Brenner M, Canuto MA. Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. 2016;44(1):613-645.

Eberl, Markus


War Owl Falling. Innovation, Creativity, and Culture Change in Ancient Maya Society. Markus Eberl. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.


Machine learning-based identification of lithic microdebitage.” Markus Eberl, Charreau S. Bell, Jesse Spencer-Smith, Mark Raj, Amanda Sarubbi, Phyllis S. Johnson, Amy E. Rieth, Umang Chaudhry, Rebecca Estrada Aguila, Michael McBride. Advances in Archaeological Practice 11(2):152–163.

The Early Classic Genesis of the Royal Maya Capital of Tamarindito.” Markus Eberl, Sven Gronemeyer, and Claudia Marie Vela González. Latin American Antiquity 34(1):40–58.

Studying lithic microdebitage with a dynamic image particle analyzer.” Markus Eberl, Phyllis S. Johnson, and Rebecca Estrada Aguila. North American Archaeologist 43(4):312–327.

Realizing Potentiality. Donut Stones in Ancient Maya Society.” Markus Eberl and William F. Doonan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 65:101394.

Fischer, Ted


Making Better Coffee: How Maya Farmers and Third-Wave Tastemakers Create Value. Edward F. Fischer. Oakland: University of California Press.

The Good Life: Aspiration, Dignity, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing. Edward F. Fischer. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


Infrastructuring Value Worlds: Connections and Conventions of Capitalist Accumulation.” Edward F. Fischer. Ethnos. DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2023.2180064

Rethinking Childhood Obesity: Cultural Insights on Nutrition, Weight, and Food Systems.” Edward F. Fischer, Tatiana Paz Lemus, Alexandra Reichert, Mikayla Alsopp, and T.S. Harvey. Nashville: Vanderbilt Cultural Contexts of Health and Wellbeing Initiative

Quality and Inequality: Taste and the Creation of Value with Third Wave Coffee.” Edward F. Fischer. Socio-Economic Review 19(1): 111-131.

Gamez, Rebeca


“Reviewing Concentrated Poverty Literature Through an Antiblackness Lens to Reveal a Concentrated Debt.” Richard Lofton, Rebeca Gamez, Noah Nelson, and Zyrashae Smith-Onyewu. Educational Researcher.

Constructing Latinidad as a Constrained Credential: Anti-Blackness and Racialized Inequities in a Majority Latinx Middle School.” Rebeca Gamez. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 00: 1-19.

Educational Leadership as Accompaniment: From Managing to Cultivating Youth Activism.” Ethan Chang and Rebeca Gamez. Teachers College Record 124(9): 65-90.

We Have that Opportunity Now’: Black and Latinx Geographies, (Latinx) Racialization and the “New Latinx South.” Rebeca Gamez and Timothy Monreal. Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research 7(2): 1-24.

Becoming Science Learners: A Study of Newcomers’ Identity Work in Elementary School Education.” Rebeca Gamez and Carolyn Parker. Science Education 102(2): 377-413.

Harvey, TS


COVID-19, Framing and Naming a Pandemic: How What Is Not in a Disease Name May Be More Important than What Is.” T.S. Harvey. Pathogens (Basel), 12(2), 346-.

The publics of public health: learning from COVID-19.” J. Green, E.F. Fischer, D. Fitzgerald, T.S. Harvey, F. Thomas, F. Critical Public Health, 1-8

Make It Plain: COVID-19 and How Fundamental Cultural Misunderstandings about How Viruses Work Can Spread Infection and Hesitancy.” T.S. Harvey. Practicing Anthropology. 43 (4): 19–22

Muddying the Waters: Protection, Public Participation, and Ambiguity in the Language of Pollution in the Great Lakes.” T.S. Harvey. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 37(2):107-115

Cyanobacteria Blooms: Maya Peoples between the Politics of Risk and the Threat of Disaster.” Harvey, T.S. Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 31(6):477-496.

Keith, Monica


Social Determinant Pathways to Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Among Nulliparous U.S. Women.” Monica H. Keith and Melanie A. Martin. Women’s Health Issues S1049386723001354.

Economic impacts and nutritional outcomes of the 2017 floods in Bangladeshi Shodagor fishing families.” Kathrine E. Starkweather, Monica H. Keith, Fatema tuz Zohora, and Nurul Alam. American Journal of Human Biology: Extreme Climatic Events and Human Biology & Health (Special Issue) 10:e23826.

Cesarean section and breastfeeding outcomes in an Indigenous Qom community with high breastfeeding support.” Melanie A. Martin, Monica H. Keith, Sofía Olmedo, Deja Edwards, Alicia Barrientes, Anwesha Pan, and Claudia Valeggia. Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health 10(1):eoab045.

Genetic ancestry, admixture, and population structure in rural Dominica.” Monica H. Keith, Mark V. Flinn, Harly J. Durbin, Troy N. Rowan, Gregory E. Blomquist, Kristen H. Taylor, Jeremy F. Taylor, and Jared E. Decker. PLOS One 16(11):e0258735.

Anthropometric heritability and child growth in a Caribbean village: A quantitative genetic analysis of longitudinal height, weight, and BMI in Bwa Mawego, Dominica.” Monica H. Keith, Gregory E. Blomquist, and Mark V. Flinn. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 170:393-403.

McKinson, Kim


Digitization, Data, and Distrust in Jamaica.” Data And Society: Points. Kimberley D. McKinson.

The Margin Speaks: On the Radical Possibilities of Embodied Knowledge as Decolonial Pedagogy.” Kimberley D. McKinson. Cultural Anthropology 37(3): 395-403.

(Re)Writing Anthropology and Raising Our Voices from the Academic Margins.” Kimberley D. McKinson. Cultural Anthropology 37(3): 379-386

Fortifying Home and Yard: Metal, Vegetation, and the Embodied Practice of Middle-Class In/security in Jamaica.” Kimberley D. McKinson. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 26(2): 297-323.

Black Carcerality and Emancipation in Postcolonial Jamaica.” Kimberley D. McKinson. Surveillance and Society 17(5): 734-737.

Ross, Norbert


A World of Many: Ontology and Child Development among the Maya of Southern Mexico. Norbert Ross. New Brunswick, Rutgers Series in Childhood Studies. Rutgers University Press, 2023.


“The Performativity of Applause: Rethinking the fourth wall in Playback Theater.” Norbert Ross. Journal of the International Playback Theater Network.

Biologies and Beings: World Making, Cognition, and the Making of Self.” Norbert Ross. Special Issue; El-Hani & Ludwig (ed.), Ethnobiology and Philosophy, Journal of Ethnobiology, 43(3)

The Intersection of Violence and Early COVID-19 Policies in El Salvador.” Norbert Ross. American Anthropologist 124(3):617-621.

Sattler, Mareike


“The Chilam Balam of Tuzik.” Sattler, Mareike et al. Texts from the Early Americas (TEA). Dumbarton Oaks

Maya K’iche’ Food Groups and Implications for Guatemalan Food Guidelines. Cuj, Miguel, Mareike Sattler and Sasha Bassett. Food and Nutrition Bulletin” 41(2):261-274.

Online Course

Chqeta’maj le qach’ab’al K’iche’. A Beginner to Advanced Level K’iche‘ Online Course. Sattler, Mareike et al.

Sauer, Jake


”History, Topography, and Constructed Landscapes: Treng Treng in Time and Space among the Mapuche of Southern Chile.” In Animate Landscapes: The Archaeology of Nonhuman Persons in the Indigenous Americas, edited by Brent K.S. Woodfill, and Lucia R. Henderson. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Introduction to Archaeology Workbook. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque.

”‘Iñche kai che’: settler colonialism and erasing the past in Gülumapu/Chile.” Settler Colonial Studies 13(1):51-70.

”The Long View: A Complex Legacy in Southern Chile.”America’s Quarterly 16: 64-69.

Military Networks at the Extremes of Empire: The Che of Chile and the Puebloans of the United States.” Ethnohistory 67(4):643–664.

Saul, Tiffany

Considerations for Stable Isotope Analysis of Human Hair: The Impact of Postmortem Environmental Exposure.” Tiffany B. Saul, Lesley A. Chesson, Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, and Gwyneth W. Gordon. Forensic Anthropology 4(23):35-46.

Preservation of Hair Stable Isotope Signatures During Freezing and Law Enforcement Evidence Packaging.” Gwyneth W. Gordon, Tiffany B. Saul, Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, Daniel J. Wescott, and Kelly J. Knudson. Forensic Chemistry 11:108-119.

Bone Trauma Analysis in a Forensic Setting: Theoretical Basis and a Practical Approach for Evaluation.” Hugh E. Berryman, John F. Berryman, and Tiffany B. Saul. In Cliff Boyd and Donna Boyd, eds. Forensic Anthropology: Theoretical Framework and Scientific Basis. West Sussex: Wiley.

The Effects of Decomposition on the Efficacy of Biometrics for Positive Identification.” Kelly A. Sauerwein, Tiffany B. Saul, Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, and Chris Boehnen. Journal of Forensic Sciences 62(6):1599-1602.

Torres Colón, Gabriel


Genetic Ancestry: Our Stories, Our Pasts. Jada Benn Torres and G Gabriel A. Torres Colón (2021). New York: Routledge Press.


Racial Experience and Knowing the Political in Liberal Democracies.” Gabriel A. Torres Colón. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 30:5, 644-663.

Fighting for Family and Glory: Hope, Racialization, and Exploitation in a U.S. Boxing Gym.” Gabriel A. Torres Colón. Journal of Sports and Social Issues, 46 (2): 156-175.

Racial Experience as Bioculturally Embodied Difference and Political Possibilities for Resisting Racism” Gabriel A. Torres Colón. The Pluralist, Vol. 13 (1): 131-142

¿Afrocaribeños y originarios? Genética, memoria y presencia en los pueblos originarios caribeños.” Jada Benn-Torres and Gabriel A. Torres Colón. Anales del Caribe, 268-276. Centros de Estudios del Caribe, Casa de las Américas, Habana, Cuba. September issue.

Tung, Tiffiny


Effects of lipid extraction on human bone collagen: Comparing stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values with and without lipid extraction.” MB Krause, N Vang, L Ahlmeyer, TA Tung. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 51, Oct 2023, 104196.

Maize as a Marker: An Isotopic Perspective on Childhood Diets and the Constitutive Power of Food in the Lower Majes Valley, Peru. BK Scaffidi, NP Vang, TA Tung. In M. Alfonso-Durutty & D. Blom (Eds.), Transforming Foods in the Ancient Andes: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Studies of Food, Diet, and Cuisine, Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Flexible agropastoral strategies during the 1st millennium CE in southern Peru: Examining yunga Arequipa camelid husbandry practices during Wari expansion through stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) in the Majes and Sihuas Valleys.” AK Alaica, BK Scaffidi, LM González, J Jennings, KJ Knudson, TA Tung. Quaternary International.

Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution.” A. Kocher…+158 authors and J Krause, D Kuhnert. Science Vol 374 (6564):182-188. DOI:

Making & Marking Maleness and Valorizing Violence: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Embodiment in the Andean Past.” TA Tung. Current Anthropology 62(23): 125-144 + online supplement.

Seasonality or short-term mobility among trophy head victims and villagers?: Understanding late-life dietary change in the pre-Hispanic Andes through stable isotope analysis (δ 13 C/δ 15 N) of archaeological hair keratin and bone collagen.” BK Scaffidi, TA Tung, KJ Knudson.  Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports 39:103152.

Shaping Dietary Histories: Exploring the Relationship between Cranial Modification and Childhood Feeding in a High-Altitude Andean Population (1100 – 1450 CE).” M Velasco, TA Tung. Jrnl of Anthropological Archaeology 62:101298.

Wernke, Steven


Negotiated Settlements: Andean Communities and Landscapes under Inka and Spanish Colonialism. University Press of Florida.


Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Remote Sensing: Identifying Ancient Urbanization in the South-Central Andes.” Jiachen Xu, Junlin Guo, James Zimmer-Dauphinee, Quan Liu, Yuxuan Shi, Zuhayr Asad, D. Mitchell Wilkes, Parker VanValkenburgh, Steven A. Wernke, Yuankai Huo. International Journal of Remote Sensing 44(6):1922-1938.

Lithic Landscape Models and Hydraulic Imaginaries in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Stephen Berquist and Steven A. Wernke. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28(3):828-853.

Explosive Expansion, Sociotechnical Diversity, and Fragile Sovereignty in the Domain of the Inka.” Journal of Social Computing 3(1):57-74.

Linking Past and Present Land-use Histories in Southern Amazonas, Peru.” Daniel Plekhov, Parker VanValkenburgh, Paul Abrams, Amanda Cutler, Justin Han, Alexis Jair Reátegui Díaz, Bryn Sullivan, Steven A. Wernke. Remote Sensing 13(12):2274 [19 pp].

Interregional Archaeology in the Age of Big Data: Building Online Collaborative Platforms for Virtual Survey in the Andes.” Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, and Akira Saito. Journal of Field Archaeology 45(S1):S61-S74.

Young, Michelle


Cinnabar traditions across the ancient Central Andes: Insights from the NMAI collections.” Michelle Young and Emily Kaplan. Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15 (182).

Just scratching the surface: Post-fire engravings as semasiographic writing in the ancient Andes.” Michelle Young and Anita Cook. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 70 (101510).

Horizon, interaction sphere, cult? A view of the ‘Chavín Phenomenon’ from Huancavelica.” Michelle Young. Reconsidering the Chavín Phenomenon in the 21st Century, edited by Richard Burger and Jason Nesbitt. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.: pp. 323–358.

Eating local, drinking imported: Chicha recipes, emulative desire, and identity formation at Atalla, Huancavelica, Peru.” Sadie Weber and Michelle Young. Foodways of the Ancient Andes: Transforming Diet, Cuisine, and Society, edited by Martha Alfonso-Durruty and Deborah Blom. University of Arizona Press: pp. 68–88.

Barreras y oportunidades de una identidad interseccional en la práctica de la arqueología en el Perú.” Michelle Young. Mujeres del Pasado y del Presente: Una visión desde la arqueologia Peruana, edited by Carito Tavera, and Lady Santana Quispe. Instituto Peruano de Estudios Arqueológicos, Lima, Peru: pp. 141–163.