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Juan Lopez Juarez

Graduate Student (Sociocultural Anthropology, indigenous activism, social movements, neoliberal state polices)

Juan José is a third-year graduate student. He has a degree in Anthropology from the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala and a BA from the same university in Anthropology and Sociology. He was a fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences in Guatemala (AVANCSO) through the Scholarship Program for Indigenous Youth in its 2018 edition, during the completion of his degree thesis entitled “Escuela de Formación Agrícola Jacaltenango: community self-management, social success, and modernity.” His fieldwork has been particularly concentrated in Jacaltenango, Huehuetenango, where he is from. Additionally, he holds a certificate in photojournalism and documentary photography. 

He has worked with the Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales (ASIES) doing research about international migration in Guatemala and its effects at the local level. He was also the host of a podcast "Así es la movilidad humana". Currently, he is interested in understanding the relationship between land, indigenous politics, nonhuman beings, and neoliberal state policies. Particularly in Jacaltenango Huehuetengo.