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Gabriela Ore Menendez

Doctoral Candidate (Remote Sensing, GIS, Queer Archaeology)

Gabriela holds a B.A. in Humanities, a professional title in Archaeology, and an M.A. in Andean Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She holds an M.A. in Anthropology from Vanderbilt University, where she is currently a Ph.D. Candidate. She will submit her dissertation “Legacies of Colonial Dislocation: Resettlement, Agricultural Deintensification, and Infrastructural Reclamation in Huarochirí, Peru” by May 2022. Her area of research focused on understanding past landscapes and their transformation and reclamation by local communities in the face of more extensive social changes.

Gabriela’s experience in Digital Scholarship and Digital Humanities offers a unique perspective on the application of digital initiatives for social sciences and spatial analysis’ research and outreach. Gabriela’s stronghold on creative thinking to digital innovations offers an invaluable take on research areas like the humanities, social sciences, spatial analysis, remote sensing and image interpretation, and machine learning. During her time at Vanderbilt, she has integrated the Digital and Spatial Humanities as a core part of her scholarship. She has served as the graduate manager of the Spatial Analysis Research Laboratory at Vanderbilt several times and worked directly with faculty and students in developing spatial-based projects and training.

Gabriela’s second line of scholarly pursuits connects Queer Theory with Anthropological and Archaeological Scholarship. She has engaged in multiple public-facing outreach within Vanderbilt and a broader scope, in extensive service as part of the Society for American Archaeology. Gabriela is the social media co-chair for the Queer Archaeology Interest Group for the Society for American Archaeology and webmaster for the webpage and also part of the SAA Meeting Safety Committee. She loves technology and creative projects and has a very impractical collection of Starbucks Mugs from all over the world.

Gabriela es candidata doctoral trabajando actualmente en el desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías aplicadas a la investigación arqueológica, especialmente detección remota satelital, análisis de imágenes y tecnologías geoespaciales. Su trabajo se centra en el Periodo Colonial Temprano en los andes centrales peruanos, en particular en la región de Huarochirí. Gabriela es la directora del Proyecto Arqueológico Reducciones Toledanas Yauyos (PARTY) como parte de la investigación para su tesis doctoral. Gabriela está tambien trabajando en la incorporación the teoría Queer a la investigación arqueológica y es la co-chair de redes sociales del Queer Archaeology Interest Group de la Sociedad Americana de Arqueología, y webmaster the la página web Ella también es la responsable de la actualización de la web del departamento de antropología. Gabriela es una fan de la tecnología y tiene una poco práctica colección de tazas de Starbucks de todo el mundo.

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