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The Graduate Certificate in Gender and Sexualities Studies

Vanderbilt’s Gender and Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate sharpens the interdisciplinary and intersectional scholarship of students from across the university, thus enhancing their ability to pursue careers within and outside the academy. Drawing from faculty across a wide range of disciplines, gender and sexuality studies enable students to craft their graduate certificate to their own field of study. Through a program of small seminars on feminist theory and feminist pedagogy, students gain wide-ranging theoretical knowledge and methodological skills that will strengthen their ability to compete for jobs, national fellowships, and postdoctoral awards.

Key benefits of the Gender and Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate Program:

  • Access to international and national scholarship in gender studies
  • Membership in a community of collaborative and caring colleagues
  • A valuable professional credential that enhances any field of study and career path
  • Opportunities to gain teaching experience on topics connected to gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, class, and disability

Any student enrolled in a graduate program at Vanderbilt University is eligible to apply for the Gender and Sexuality Studies Certificate Program.


  • A minimum GPA of 3.3
  • Satisfactory performance of B+ or better in GSS 8301 (formerly WGS 8301) and GSS 8302 (formerly WGS 8302)
  • The approval of both the student’s advisor and the Chair of the Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies

How to Apply

Visiting Campus: If you would like to arrange a visit to our department on your graduate student visit, please contact us at