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Spring 2022 Houston Symposium

Posted by on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 in News.

The Department of Communication Studies invites you to the Spring 2022 Houston Symposium on Wednesday, April 27, from 6-8 p.m. in the Commons Multipurpose Room (235/237). Students enrolled in our Media Studio course will present research that they’ve conducted throughout the semester. The first hour will be dedicated to interacting with students and engaging their projects. Then, at 7 p.m., three students will speak and compete for prizes. Light food and drink will be served.

Please see the link to the flyer below for more details.

Among the many gifts to Vanderbilt University from the late Franklin K. Houston, life trustee, was an endowed fund to provide prizes for public speaking.

Mr. Houston grew up in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and took Public Speaking while he was a student at Vanderbilt. When he became C.E.O. of the Corn Merchants Bank in New York City, he established this competition to encourage competent public speaking, as he believed that his experience at Vanderbilt had made a very real difference in his own life.

Spring 2022 Houston Contest