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Travel Funds

The Mosig Endowment for Biological Sciences

Professor Gisela Mosig enjoyed a distinguished career in molecular genetics during a life richer in adventures and disasters than is common among scholars. The formal outline of her career conceals much. She was born in Saxony on November 29,1930. She left East Germany as a teenager, did her undergraduate studies at the University of Bonn, and went on to obtain a postdoc fellow degree in plant genetics at the University of Cologne in 1959. She worked for 3 years with A. D Hershey at the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. In these two intervals she became deeply immersed in the general and molecular genetics of the T-even bacteriophages. She joined the Department of Molecular Biology at Vanderbilt in 1965 (becoming a US citizen in 1968) and worked there until her death on January 12, 2003. Dr. Mosig leaves behind an influential corpus of discoveries in the molecular biology phase of T4 and influential insights into the interrelationships of recombination, replication, and DNA repair processes.

Professor Mosig provided a significant endowment to the biological sciences department to be used to support the graduate program and enhance the scholarly activities of the graduate students of the department.

The Gisela Mosig Travel Fund

Upon selecting a Ph.D. thesis advisor among our primary faculty and joining that lab as a biological sciences graduate student, an account will be set up for the student that can be used by the student, with approval from the mentor, for any reasonable and documented travel related expenses to meetings, workshops, offsite courses or training. Each year the student and the mentor will be notified of the balance of the fund.

Graduate School Funds

Students are encouraged to present their research at major regional, national, and international conferences. The Graduate School Travel Grant to Present Research will provide up to $1000 in travel support for graduate students presenting their research at major meetings and conferences. Students may apply for one travel grant per budget year (July 1-June 30) for domestic or international travel. Students are allowed a total of three travel grants during their tenure at Vanderbilt. For more information, click here.