RPW Events
January 22, featuring bell hooks’ “All about Love”
Dec. 2, 2024—
December 17 – January 2
Nov. 19, 2024—
November 25-29
Nov. 19, 2024—
November 20, “This Is How It Always Is”
Nov. 18, 2024—
October 26-27
Oct. 3, 2024—
September 27, all day
Sep. 13, 2024—
September 16, 4-6 PM
Sep. 13, 2024—
September 12
Aug. 19, 2024—Acoustic Visions of the Urban Wilderness Join the Nashville Bestiary Project in the Smart Meadow to celebrate the persistence of nature in the city, with music and visualizations from Molly Barth, Jeremy Wilson, and Jonathan Rattner transforming the elements into sights and sounds. Learn how the data from the Smart Meadow can help us protect...
A History of the Center
Apr. 24, 2024—