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Campus Statues - Rock Specimens

Chair’s Welcome

Welcome to the Department of Religious Studies! I encourage you to explore our site to learn about our major and a number of specialized minors. You will also meet our faculty and some of our talented students. Our instructors and students explore religion in all its dimensions, across the globe and in every era. Students from all backgrounds and identities find courses that speak to their interests while challenging them to think globally, comparatively, and critically.

Our students and faculty alike are producing interdisciplinary research that breaks new ground and pushes the boundaries of knowledge. Our faculty are published widely and are internationally recognized. Our students are trained to dig deeply into religious traditions while continuing to reflect on the politics and paradigms that make those explorations possible. In our research, we study issues of equality, justice, and representation, and it is through the diversity of religions that we find common ground to imagine a better world.

We welcome you to join us if you want to expand your perspectives, knowledge, and understanding of the world around you!


Richard McGregor
Professor of Religious Studies
Chair, Department of Religious Studies