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French Language Placement

Students who wish to take French language classes should take the placement test to determine what French course to begin with. To take the placement test, see information from the Vanderbilt Center for Languages on how to take this test online.

Interpreting Your Scores

VU Placement Test ScoreCourse to be taken
0-259French 1101 (2 years or less of French in high school)
260-349French 1103 (2-3 years of French in high school)
350-419French 2203 (3-4 years of French in high school)
420+French 2501w (4 years of French in high school)
Above 520, contact the DUS to determine what level course best fits your needs.
SAT Placement ScoreCourse to be taken
0-500French 1101
501-530French 1103
531-590French 2203
591+French 2501w
Advanced Placement (AP) CreditCourse Equivalent
4 or 5 on French Language Exam 8 hours credit for FR 2203 & 2501w
4 or 5 on French Literature Exam8 hours credit for FR 2203 & 3 hours of elective credit
International Baccalaureate (IB) CreditCourse Equivalent
6 or 7 on subsidiary5 hours credit for FR 2203
6 or 7 on higher5 hours credit for FR 2203 plus 3 hours elective credit

Interpreting Your Language Experience

  • No high school French or a placement score of 0-260 = FREN 1101
  • Students who have completed FREN 1101 = FREN 1102
  • One to two years of high school French, placement score of 260-349 = FREN 1103 (1103 is a one-semester, accelerated first-year French)
  • Three to four years of high school French, placement score of 350-419, or SAT score of 540-589 = FREN 2203
  • Four or more years of high school French, placement score of 420+, IB subsidiary score of 6 or 7, or SAT score of 590 = FREN 2501w or higher


If you need further assistance in determining where to begin with French language courses, contact:

  • Alexis Finet, Language Program Director: FREN 1101-2501w (or FREN2500)
  • Raisa Rexer, Director of Undergraduate Studies: FREN 2501W and above