Frequently Asked Questions
AP and IB Credit
How do students submit AP or IB credit?
Does AP or IB credit count toward AXLE?
When do students enroll in classes?
Can students take a class pass/fail?
YES won't let a student enroll; what should she do?
Add/Drop and Withdrawal
When is the end of the drop/add period?
When is the last day students can withdraw from a class?
How do students withdraw from a class?
Summer Work and Summer Internships
How can students get credit for summer courses at another college?
How can students get credit for a summer internship?
Study Abroad
Where can students get information about study abroad?
Pre-professional Advising
Where can students get information about pre-med or pre-law?
How do students submit AP or IB credit?
Students should check with the College Board and/or the International Baccalaureate to make sure their scores have been reported to Vanderbilt. Then, they should direct any questions about AP or IB credit to in the Office of Academic Services for the College of Arts and Science. On campus, they can take copies of their scores to 350 Buttrick Hall.
Does AP, IB, or pre-freshman credit count toward AXLE?
AP and IB credit do not count toward AXLE. Transfer credit earned at the college level before students matriculate (i.e., “pre-freshman credit”) may count toward AXLE and graduation.
When do students enroll in classes?
Students can always find the most up-to-date information about when they can register or make changes to their schedules in the Student Registration section of YES. They can also find relevant dates on the College of Arts and Science’s Academic Calendar.
Can students take a class pass/fail?
Yes, students can take up to 18 hours of classes pass/fail (in their undergraduate careers) as long as they have completed two semesters at Vanderbilt, have achieved sophomore standing, and are not on academic probation. Pass/fail courses cannot count toward AXLE, major, or minor requirements. For more information about taking courses pass/fail, consult the section titled "Taking Courses for P/F Credit" in the College of Arts and Science section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
YES won't let a student enroll; what should she do?
There are two main reasons why a student is unable to enroll: technical difficulties or a hold.
First, the student should check the Help tab in YES for advice with troubleshooting YES problems.
Second, she should check the Holds section in YES to see if there is a hold on her account. Holds include a financial hold if her bill has not been paid or an advising hold if she has not seen her adviser prior to the registration period. Once she’s determined the nature of the hold, she should contact the appropriate office to see what she needs to do so the hold can be released.
When is the end of the drop/add period?
The Open Enrollment period, during which students can make changes to their schedules, generally begins in mid-July for the fall semester and mid-December for the spring semester and runs through 11:59 p.m. Central time end of the second week of classes of the semester. During Open Enrollment, students may add and/or drop classes via YES; no instructor or adviser signature is required. This information can be found on the College of Arts and Science’s Academic Calendar.
When is the last day students can withdraw from a class?
The Friday (Wednesday in the fall, Friday in the spring) of the eighth week of classes at 4:00 p.m. See the College of Arts and Science’s Academic Calendar.
How do students withdraw from a class?
Students should pick up a Change of Course Request Form from 350 Buttrick Hall, complete their portion of the form, obtain their instructor's signature, then obtain their adviser’s signature. If they’re still going to be carrying 12 hours or more after withdrawing, they can simply return the form to 350 Buttrick Hall. If they are going to be under 12 hours after withdrawing, they will need to schedule an appointment with an associate dean by calling 615-343-3141 or 615-343-5495. They should bring the Change of Course Request Form with them to that appointment.
How can students get credit for a summer course at another college?
They can find detailed instructions in the Academic Policies section of the Office of Academic Services’ website. Students must be in good standing to seek approval for summer work elsewhere. Summer work elsewhere cannot count toward AXLE or grade replacement.
How can students get academic credit for a summer internship?
They should set up a meeting with Dean Yollette Jones by calling 615-343-3141. She will explain the process and help students identify a faculty supervisor.
Where can students get information about study abroad?
Consult the GEO website and make an appointment to meet with a GEO adviser.
Where can students get information about pre-med or pre-law?
Pre-health professions students should get to know the Health Professions Advisory Office (HPAO), which has the most current information about admissions requirements, shadowing and internship opportunities, and undergraduate research possibilities.
Pre-law students should attend a Law School Express session. Once they've attended a Law School Express, they can then make an appointment with the pre-law adviser, Professor Carrie Russell.