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Neuroscience 3860: Introduction to Neuroscience Research

The broad objective of NSC 3860: Introduction to Research is for students to become familiar with the current projects, techniques, and publications of a neuroscience research laboratory. To do this, students will need to become familiar with the most important current literature that is significant for the work in the laboratory and take part in a research project in the laboratory. The emphasis will be on scientific reading and writing, and on obtaining sufficient practical experience to comprehend the process of development of scientific ideas as well as the problems and difficulties involved in research.

IMPORTANT: To register for research credit, you must begin your contract by the end of the second day of classes. Because the contract and registration process take time, the link to initiate a research contract will close at the end of the second day of classes and registrations will not be accepted after that time. Please plan ahead. We encourage students to meet with potential mentors and obtain an agreement on doing research for credit before classes begin.


All undergraduate students conducting research in neuroscience must complete the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training online.

  • Read the training requirements and information. When taking the online RCR training, enroll in the Bio/Physical Sciences (VUBPS) course—unless you are working in Wilson Hall with human subjects, in which case, select the Psychological Sciences (VUPSY) course as an alternate.
  • Once online training is completed, you will receive a completion report via email. Upload this certificate to the REDCap survey when initiating your research contract.

Selecting a Research Mentor

To register for NSC 3860, you must obtain an appropriate faculty mentor and under his/her guidance develop a plan of study for the semester. The plan need not be exceptionally detailed but should identify the primary goals that you and your mentor hope to achieve during the semester.

To find a faculty mentor, look first at the research opportunities available. You will find a short research description of the faculty that are currently approved to mentor students for neuroscience research. If you are interested in working with a faculty member that is not already approved to mentor students but conducts neuroscience research, you must first get permission from the director of independent studies. The faculty member must then agree that they are willing to direct your research for these courses. It is left to your initiative to determine what area of research you wish to pursue.

Application and Registration

  1. Read the course structure and requirements.
  2. Research Contract: Initiate your research proposal and complete the survey in its entirety. This will serve as your research contract. Once submitted, the information will require two approvals: first by your mentor and second by the director of independent studies. If approved by both parties, the information will be routed to the program office for registration. You will be notified after each step is completed and will also be notified once enrolled.
  3. Inform your mentor that a REDCap link will be sent to their email and will require action.

A new contract is required for each semester you register, and you will not be able to register yourself. If after following all guidelines you still have questions, contact the program office.

IMPORTANT: To register for research credit, you must begin your contract by the end of the second day of classes. Because the contract and registration process take time, the link to initiate a research contract will close at the end of the 2nd day of classes and registrations will not be accepted after that time. Please plan ahead. We encourage students to meet with potential mentors and obtain an agreement on doing research for credit before classes begin.

Course Structure and Requirements

Once you have been admitted to NSC 3860, your primary interactions during the semester will be with the faculty mentor and members of the mentor’s laboratory. You are expected to spend 4-5 hours per week in laboratory or doing library work for this course. The goal of the research component of this course is not research achievement, as that would be impractical in the time available. Rather, you will use the time to become familiar with the research process. Reading and understanding the relevant research literature and discussions with the mentor and other members of the laboratory are important components of the course.

Final Report

The final report is seven to 10 pages in length and should contain:

  • Background information
  • A description of the research project(s) on which you worked
  • A section discussing future directions of research
  • A short reference list

In addition, your report should include a specific section regarding the neuroscience background and significance of the work. The references do not have to fit into the page limit. The mentor is encouraged to comment on a first draft of this report.


The paper is due on the last day of class. There will be a deduction of one letter grade on papers received after the deadline. Copies should be submitted to the program through Brightspace AND to your faculty mentor. The paper will be graded by the faculty mentor, who will submit a recommendation for a final grade to the program office within one week of the due date.