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Director’s Welcome

smiling manWelcome to the Program in the Communication of Science and Technology!

There is no greater challenge facing the scientific community than effectively communicating and advocating for the discoveries of science. We are living with the results of science communication failures: controversy and confusion around the COVID pandemic, climate change, vaccinations, GMO’s, antimicrobial resistance, poisoned water, alternative facts, no facts. The consequences of not meeting this challenge are devastating…a permanently changed environment, outbreaks of preventable disease, superbugs, unclean water, and food insecurity. Yet, scientists seem to be hamstrung by the most basics forms of communication. The result is a complete disconnect between the public and the value of science.

At Vanderbilt, we offer a singular solution to these challenges through the Program in Communication of Science and Technology (CSET), the only undergraduate degree granting program in science communication in the U.S. Our major focusses on combining the best of Vanderbilt’s world class, discovery science with those ideas that make us most human. The CSET faculty represent a multidisciplinary group of talented scientists, insightful writers, and skilled rhetoricians committed to helping students make the most of their education. Our small classes give students the opportunity to work closely with our faculty to explore the many facets of our discipline. Most students take their skills and participate in internships and research projects, both on and off campus. When our students leave Vanderbilt, they pursue careers in a wide variety of fields, including science communication, medicine, public health, law, journalism, public relations, clean-energy startups, and film-making.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about our Program in Communication of Science and Technology. If you have any questions, please drop me an email.

As ever,

David Wright
Stevenson Chair of Chemistry
Director of the Program in Communication of Science and Technology