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Saman Abbaspoor

Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Area:

Hippocampal circuit dynamics during learning and sleep in freely behaving macaque monkeys

Representative Publications

1. Abbaspoor, S, and K.L. Hoffman (2023). “State-dependent circuit dynamics of superficial and deep CA1 pyramidal cells in macaques [bioRxiv]”

2. Abbaspoor, S, K. Rahman, W. Zinke, and K.L. Hoffman (2023). “Learning of object-in-context sequences in freely-moving macaques [bioRxiv]”

3. Navas-Olive, A., Rubio, A., Abbaspoor, S., Hoffman, K. L., & de la Prida, L. M. (2024). A machine learning toolbox for the analysis of sharp-wave ripples reveals common waveform features across species. Communications Biology, 7(1), 1-15.

4. Abbaspoor, S., Hussin, A. T., & Hoffman, K. L. (2023). Theta-and gamma-band oscillatory uncoupling in the macaque hippocampus. Elife, 12, e86548.

5. Hussin, AT, Abbaspoor S, and Hoffman KL (2022). “Retrosplenial and hippocampal synchrony during retrieval of old memories in macaques”. Journal of Neuroscience 42.42, pp. 7947–7956.

6. Liu, AA, Henin S, Abbaspoor S, Anatol Bragin, E A Buffalo, J S Farrell, D J Foster, L M Frank, T Gedankien, J Gotman, et al. (2022). “A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations”. Nature Communications 13.1, pp. 1–14.

7. Hosein P, Abbaspoor S, Shafei M, Hosseini M, and Khajavirad A (2018). “GABAA receptor in the Pedunculopontine tegmental (PPT) nucleus: Effects on cardiovascular system”. Pharmacological Reports 70.5, pp. 1001–1009.


Jum C. Nunnally Dissertation Award, Vanderbilt University, 2024;

The Pat Burns Memorial Graduate Student Research Award, Vanderbilt University, 2023;

The William F. Hodges Teaching Assistant Award, Vanderbilt University, 2022;