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8/29/2024 Isabel Gauthier & Randolph Blake: VSS Nakayama Medal and Davida Teller Award Presentations

Posted by on Thursday, August 22, 2024 in Events: Past.

CCN Brown Bag

Isabel Gauthier

Isabel Gauthier, PhD

David K. Wilson Chair of Psychology
Vice Chair Department of Psychology
Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences


man leaning head on handRandolph Blake, PhD

Centennial Professor
Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences



Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024
Time: 12:10PM-1:00PM
Location: 316 Wilson Hall

VSS Nakayama Medal and Davida Teller Award Presentations

At the last meeting of the Vision Science Society this May, Randolph and Isabel were asked to give 15 min presentations in the award session, as they received the Ken Nakayama Medal for Excellence in Vision Science and the Davida Teller Award, respectively. It was a celebration of Vanderbilt’s excellence and a unique honor to have both major awards this year go to faculty in our department. We will give back to back presentations of these talks in this seminar, hopefully with some time for questions. Fifteen minutes is not a lot to cover the kind of ground one may wish to cover in a speech like this, so this can serve as an opportunity to discuss how one may decide what to focus on.

Questions? Contact Isabel Gauthier